On 08.12.2020, the results of the CDP assessments for the 2020 reporting period were published. Overall, the number of companies that responded through one or more questionnaires (Climate Change, Water and Forest) increased from 8,367 (2019) to 9,617 (2020) companies (plus 15%). This represents more than 50% of global market capitalization. In light of the ongoing Corona pandemic and the resulting more difficult conditions at many companies, this increase emphasizes the importance the rating has achieved. Many companies are facing increasing pressure from investors or their customers to guarantee transparency. This is also reflected in the fact that in 2020, 150 companies assessed their own supply chain through the CDP supply chain program. This represents an increase of 30% compared to the previous reporting year (115 companies).
The trend of a continuously increasing number of participating companies also continues not only in the most widely used questionnaire on Climate Change (plus 14% compared to 2019): The Forest questionnaire also recorded an increase of participants of almost 27% the Water questionnaire of 20%.
For the first time more than 300 companies with an A-rating
This year, across all three questionnaires, more than 300 companies achieved an A-rating in one of the standards. In the Climate Change Questionnaire, the top rating of „straight A“ was achieved over 270 times. In the Water Questionnaire the rating was achieved over 100 times and in the Forest Questionnaire as many as 16 times. Ten companies even managed to achieve a straight A in all three of the standards.
Importance of CDP rating
CDP (formerly „Carbon Disclosure Project“) is an independent organization that addresses thousands of companies and organizations worldwide every year. Through the Climate Change Questionnaire data and information from companies on CO2 emissions, climate risks, and reduction targets as well as strategies is collected and afterwards assessed by the CDP. CDP has established itself as an authority on sustainability assessment and in many cases is already incorporated into financial assessments (Deutsche Börse, Reuters, Google Finance, etc.). Through numerous measures in the 2020 supply chain category, a total of 563 MtCO2e (mega tons of carbon dioxide equivalent) of emission reduction potential was realized.
The two adaptations Water and Forest were added in 2010 and 2012, respectively, which brought the topics of water security and deforestation into the focus of the reporting companies in addition to CO2.
Support through DFGE
Since 2014, DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy – has been supporting well-known companies as a Silver Climate Change Consultancy Partner in answering the CDP questionnaire. In addition to assistance with the CDP Climate Change and CDP Supply Chain Program, DFGE also supports companies in the areas of Water and Forest.
The partnership with CDP also comprehends science-based targets. DFGE is the first selected partner for the German-speaking region. This CDP accreditation gives DFGE a special seal of quality.
DFGE can support you with improving your sustainability performance and successful participation in the CDP Assessment – and other sustainability ratings and -initiatives. Contact us through or via phone: +49 8192 99733 20, to learn more about our services!
Additional information: https://www.cdp.net/en/companies/companies-scores