Sarah has a background in mechanical engineering with a focus on renewable energy systems and has experience in a diverse field of sustainability topics. As a project specialist, she supports the DFGE team in the area of carbon footprint, science-based targets and sustainability strategy.
In 2024, the Science-based Targets for Nature (SBTN) made significant strides to assist companies and cities in setting Science-based Targets (SBTs) for nature conservation. A key development was the appointment of the Global Commons Alliance Accountability Accelerator (GCAAA) as the interim validation provider for these targets. This marks a new milestone in sustainable business practices…
As part of the „Fit for 55“ package, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will be introduced under EU Regulation (EU) 2023/956 on 1st October 2023. The system is intended to prevent the outsourcing of CO2 emissions to non-EU countries, also known as carbon leakage, and to create incentives to introduce further CO2 pricing. The…
Als Teil des „Fit für 55“-Pakets, wird am 1. Oktober 2023 gemäß der EU-Verordnung (EU) 2023/956 das CO₂-Grenzausgleichssystem CBAM – Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – eingeführt. Das System soll die Auslagerung von CO2-Emissionen in Nicht-EU Länder, auch als Carbon Leakage bekannt, verhindern und Anreize schaffen weitere CO2-Bepreisung einzuführen. Ein zentrales Instrument zur Erreichung des europäisches…