Julian studied International Corporate Communication and Media Management at the HNU University of Applied Sciences in Neu-Ulm, Germany. He joined the DFGE team in 2018 and is now working as Marketing and Corporate Communication Manager. He enjoys playing Tennis, Skiing and to meet with friends.
When it comes to responsible investment, there is especially one term taking the stage, namely environmental, social, governance – short ESG. (Hong 2019) According to the United Nations-supported organization Principles for Responsible Investment, sustainable financial systems reward long-term investments and benefit the society and the environment as a whole (Principles for Responsible Investment 2019). Successful…
Carbon pricing applies market-based mechnisms to accelerate the transition towards a low carbon future. The main idea behind the aspect of carbon pricing is the “polluter pays” principle. Putting a price on carbon implies that the organizations and businesses which are responsible for emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere are also held accountable for their…
The international standard ISO 14068 for „Greenhouse gas management and related activities – Carbon Neutrality“ is to provide clear definitions for CO2 neutrality. The climate crisis is prompting politicians, administrators and businesses to respond to this global challenge with increasuing demands for carbon neutrality. Public and private organizations of all kinds are spurring efforts to…
Carbon compensation schemes empower businesses to accelerate the transition towards a low carbon future. Offsetting carbon emissions can furthermore send a strong message to stakeholders such as customers, employees and communities that your business is committed to paving the way for a sustainable future. But not every carbon compensation program generates the same positive impact.…
DAX® sets a new benchmark for sustainable German equity portfolios, the so-called DAX 50 ESG. It reflects the price performance of the 50 largest and most liquid shares on the German market while incorporating Environmental, Social and Governance (short ESG) criteria. The DAX can herewith provide investors with a new, and more sustainability-related index. According…
Carbon emissions in the supply chain can be fundamentally higher than those of a company’s operational carbon footprint. When discussing corporate emissions, most of us automatically start looking at electricity and other operational emission sources. But it is the Upstream Scope 3 emissions, and therewith the supply chain emissions, that often make up the largest…
The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, short TCFD, announced just a few months ago that it is now supported by more than 1,000 organizations. This implies a significant shift among market actors towards the acknowledgement that climate change can pose major financial risks to organizations. TCFD supporters now have a combined market capitalization of…
The food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the climate that makes our planet habitable all come from nature. Yet, these are exceptional times in which nature is sending us a message: To care for ourselves, we must care for nature. World Environment Day since 1974 World Environment Day is the…
Am 20.01.2020 wurden die CDP Climate Change 2019 Ergebnisse des Assessments veröffentlicht. Insgesamt stieg die Zahl der Unternehmen, die sich von CDP haben bewerten lassen, von 6.251 (2018) auf 8.367 (2019) Unternehmen an. Das entspricht nun erstmalig mehr als 50 % der weltweiten Marktkapitalisierung. Zudem haben 2019 115 dieser Unternehmen mittels CDP Assessment ihre Lieferkette…