Simone is currently finishing her MSc in Sustainability and Innovations Management at the University of Graz. Due to her deep interest on sustainable business practices, she is a Working Student at DFGE-Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy in the field of Supply Chain Management/ Sustainable Supply Chains.

CDP Water

CDP increasingly focuses on water-related topics

Every life on our planet is dependent on the well-functioning of the marine ecosystem. But water resources and marine ecosystems are endangered. Since businesses emit a large amount of greenhouse gases, they are largely responsible for this heating. To make companies accountable and address the urgent need to protect the water and marine resources, CDP included new water-related questions into its questionnaires.

SBTi Obstacles

Setting Science-based Targets – General and industry specific obstacles

for relevant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are calculated on a scientific basis. Companies which aim to participate in the initiative are expected to set an ambitious target for reducing their  GHG emissions which is in line with the 2°C target of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. But setting SBTs is not always an easy task, and many corporations fail at this hurdle.


How to correctly calculate a company´s indirect Scope 3 emissions

Until recently, companies have focused on estimating their own operational emissions under Scope 1 and 2. But setting emission reduction targets throughout the complete value chain is increasingly becoming a new business norm to mitigate potential risks and highlight a comprehensive approach towards supply chain partners and suppliers for creating beneficial synergies. So not only direct scope 1 from owned or controlled sources, and indirect scope 2 emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling consumed by the reporting company, also all other indirect up- and downstream Scope 3 emissions along the value chain, which present a substantial part of a company´s GHG emissions, gain increasingly more attention from businesses.

Global Risk Report 2021

Global Risk Report 2021

To achieve its targets and align with the company´s vision and mission it is inevitable for an organization to take potential risks and opportunities into consideration. Since companies´ risks are embedded and in context with worldwide risks, topics which are regarded as worldwide pressing issues are at the same time company risks. Recently, the new Global Risks Report 2021 was published and provides an overview and estimation about the most pressing risks (WEF, 2021). To address current risks and recognize opportunities coming from them, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) serves as a tool which supports companies to identify, assess and respond to climate-related risks and opportunities (CDP, 2021).

Blog Trends 2021

Trends 2021 – Klimastrategien

Steigender Druck zur Erreichung der Pariser Klimaziele Aufgrund steigender staatlicher Regulierungen sehen sich Unternehmen und ihre gesamte Lieferkette zunehmend gefordert, ihre Klimaziele mit den 2015 im Rahmen des Paris Agreements (COP21) beschlossenen Zielen in Einklang zu bringen. Dabei wurde das Ziel vereinbart, die globale Erwärmung auf 1,5°C oder 2°C im Vergleich zu vorindustriellen Zeiten zu…

Klimaneutralität Automobilbranche

Die Automobilindustrie auf ihrem Weg zur Klimaneutralität

Eine von Erstausstattern getriebene Nachfrage Automobilhersteller sehen sich zunehmend steigendem Druck gegenüber, die Emissionen ihrer hergestellten Fahrzeuge zu reduzieren, da sich rund 12% der gesamten EU-weiten CO2-Emissionen auf PKWs zurückführen lassen. Ziel der Unternehmen sollte sein, in Teilen oder im Gesamten die Klimaneutralität zu erreichen. Vor dem Hintergrund dieses wachsenden Drucks steht eine seit 2015…

EcoVadis Index 2020

EcoVadis Index 2020

EcoVadis Index 2020 – Gain insights from Global Supply Chain ratings of more than 40,000 companies worldwide The supplier rating platform EcoVadis has published this year´s Sustainability Risk and Performance Index – The EcoVadis Index 2020. It illustrates EcoVadis ratings of over 40,000 companies worldwide which have been rated by the platform between 2015 and…