CDP Europe Awards 2023

Celebrating Sustainability Champions: CDP Europe Awards 2023 and A-List Companies

In an era where climate change and environmental sustainability are at the forefront of global discussions, it is important to acknowledge the efforts of companies committed to reducing their carbon footprint and embracing sustainable practices. The CDP Europe Awards 2023 serve as a platform to recognize the efforts of companies and cities to address environmental…

Wolfgangsee bei Sonnenaufgang

CDP Scores 2023

Yesterday, on February 6th the 2023 CDP scores were published, providing crucial insights into companies‘ environmental performance. The Significance of CDP Scores The CDP scores serve as a comprehensive assessment of companies‘ environmental performance, covering areas such as carbon emissions, climate change resilience,  water and deforestation management. By evaluating companies‘ efforts in managing climate change,…

CDP 2022 Ergebnisse

What we learn from CDP 2022 scores

CDP questionnaires and publication of results CDP (formerly “Carbon Disclosure Project”) is an independent organization that conducts annual assessments of companies’ environmental impact worldwide. For this purpose, CDP collects and evaluates data from participating companies. The information is obtained from three detailed sector-specific questionnaires (Climate Change, Water and Forest) that companies are requested to complete.…

picture of a lake in the mountains illustrating the blog article about CDP Scores for the year 2018

CDP Scores for the reporting year 2018 have been released

On 22nd January 2019, the 2018 CDP Scores have been released. Thus, the results are now available for all CDP participants that reported in 2018 their environment-related data like strategy, risks and opportunities, governance mechanisms, scenario analysis, supply chain engagement, etc. in the areas Climate Change, Water Security and Forests/Deforestation. This blog post will give…