Andrea is part of the DFGE rating team supporting companies to reach their sustainability goals. Her consulting focus includes EcoVadis Ratings, the implementation of CSRD in undertakings as well as digital sustainability products.

EcoVadis Platinum-Medaille

DFGE erzielt Platinum-Medaille im EcoVadis Assessment

DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy wurde mit einer Platinum-Medaille zur Anerkennung der Nachhaltigkeitsleistung von EcoVadis ausgezeichnet. Die DFGE gehört somit zu den Top 1% Ihrer Branche und zu den Top 2% aller in EcoVadis bewerteten Unternehmen.   Das EcoVadis Assessment EcoVadis ist eine Bewertungsplattform, die Unternehmen in den Bereichen Arbeits- und Menschenrechte,…

EcoVadis Business Sustainability Risk and Performance Index

EcoVadis Business Sustainability Risk and Performance Index 2022

The EcoVadis Supply Chain Assessment EcoVadis is a supply chain assessment which helps companies to understand and quantify sustainability risks within their supply chain. Unlike individual questionnaires or very specific ones like CDP, EcoVadis offers a standardized approach which is able to compare the performance of companies with entirely different profiles on a rating scale…

GHG Protocol

Extensions and adaptations of the GHG protocol to be expected

For companies who want to remain competitive it becomes increasingly important if not inevitable to report on GHG emission avoidance concerning all kinds of business operations. Investors, new political regulations, and other external stakeholders are demanding companies to disclose relevant information on their efforts to contribute towards climate change mitigation. This development is reflected in…

UNGC Early Adopter Program

UNGC – Updates on the enhanced Communication on Progress 2023

Revising the CoP: Background The UN Global Compact (UNGC), a non-binding United Nations pact, encouraging firms and businesses to think of, adopt and report on more sustainable methods. To ensure a more straightforward reporting it has identified 10 principles (The Ten Principles | UN Global Compact) forming a value system companies should adopt when conducting business. These principles…