Since Fabian wrote his master's thesis about responsible corporate governance as a basis for sustainable development, he wants to be part of the change that is needed to do so. At DFGE, he is able to support companies in setting up and improving their own sustainable vision. Besides working, Fabian enjoys practicing functional strength training and yoga and is trying to master the guitar.
Corporate carbon footprint calculations function as the basis for all necessary steps regarding a climate strategy – whether this is a science-based target setting, the identification of effective reduction measures, the compensation of unavoidable residual emissions to achieve climate neutrality or the participation in disclosure programs such as CDP. However, calculating one´s corporate carbon footprint…
Interessante Einblicke beim EcoVadis B2B Sustainability Forum DACH am 17.11.2021 Die Ausgangslage hatte der „EcoVadis Business Sustainability Risk und Performance Index“ klar analysiert: im Bereich der nachhaltigen Beschaffung und des Lieferkettenmanagements sinkt der globale Durchschnittswert bei bewerteten Unternehmen. Aus den stagnierenden und teils sinkenden Scores im Bereich der nachhaltigen Beschaffung lässt sich ableiten, welcher Weg…
The message of the SBT Initiative is clear: global emissions need to be halved by 2030. This great challenge needs a collective approach, through setting SBTs with supplier engagement targets. For most companies and their widespread supply chains, the scope 3 emissions are representing the majority of the companies GHG-inventory. For better reduction efforts, corporations…
Nach gut einem Jahr COVID-bedingter Pause, war es wieder einmal so weit: Endlich eine reale Veranstaltung, um Kunden und Partner zu treffen, sich mit diesen auszutauschen und über spannende Inhalte zu diskutieren. Worldclassbusiness Leaders hatte Ende September nach Frankfurt am Main zum „World Class Corporate Climate-Neutral Strategies & Energy Management 2021“ eingeladen, um an zwei…
Mandatory Carbon Footprint as a Part of the New Strategic Approach for Sustainable Life Cycles of Batteries By taking a look at possible future scenarios, batteries are inevitable in numerous use cases. In our daily lives at home, we use batteries in smartphones, in our living rooms or remote controls and kitchen equipment. As a…
DFGE published this article on 16 June 2021. Since the CSRD is subject to ongoing changes, check here for the latest status and learn everything you need to know. After the European Parliament’s 2018 call to action to further develop the scope of the existing Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), the European Commission has now (on…