winder landscape visual as illustration for the blog post about the Use of CDP data and machine learning for business decision making

Use CDP data and machine learning for business decision making

Reporting on sustainability becomes more important Companies face increasing pressure to disclose their corporate sustainability program. Such pressures come from various sources including legislative requirements and increasing public concern. Reporting and disclosure of a companies’ sustainability may be seen as a financial burden, however, they will become increasingly economically relevant (e.g., CO2 price). When an…

fields with snow as visual for the blog post about human rights day

Human Rights Day 2019

This year the 71st celebration of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights (UDHR) takes place. DFGE outlines key points and general information of the Human Rights Day in this article. Human Rights Day Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10th December – the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration…

Berge bedeckt mit Schnee verbildlichen den Blogartikel über Klimaneutrale Produktion als Vergabekriterium

Klimaneutrale Produktion wird zum Vergabekriterium

Unter dem Motto „Driving tomorrow“ fand dieses Jahr im Zeitraum vom 12. September bis 22. September 2019 die Internationale Automobil Ausstellung in Frankfurt am Main statt. Hier stellen führende Automobilhersteller sowie Startups aus aller Welt ihre neuesten Automobile, Newcomer und neuesten Technologien vor. Neben der Vorstellung der neuesten innovativen Technologien, gibt es auch neue Veröffentlichungen…

picture showing a river and a forest illustrating the blog entry about the PSCI principles

Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI)

Due to increasing requirements in the pharmaceutical industry, DFGE introduces the PSCI and especially its established pharmaceutical industry principles for responsible supply chain management in the following. What is the PSCI? The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI) is an initiative formed as a non-profit business membership in 2006, which is addressing challenges, such as supply…

picture of a forest illustrating the blog article about the white paper CSR and Artificial intelligence and the NLP technique

DFGE Whitepaper: CSR and Artificial Intelligence

DFGE publishes the new whitepaper „Automatic Analysis of Textual CSR Data“ on the connection of CSR and Artificial Intelligence (AI). It introduces methodologies and use cases for an automated analysis of CSR-related textual data. The shift towards data-driven CSR management is promoted and accelerated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) (1) and Machine Learning (ML) (2) Techniques. Methods…

image showing a winter landscape visualizing the blog article about the artificial intelligence for CSR management

Artificial Intelligence for CSR Management – Shift Towards Scalable Sustainability Initiatives and Data-driven CSR Management

Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a large driver of digitalization is discussed controversially. Since AI is often associated with incredibly high opportunities on one hand and vague fears of losing self-control on the other hand, it might increase the competitive gap between business pioneers and laggards. DFGE implements new AI methods in the context of CSR…

picture of a path in the forest visualizing the blog article about sustainable development goals

Sustainable Development Goals in der Wirtschaft

Im September 2015 wurden auf einer UN Vollversammlung in New York die Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) verabschiedet. Die Sustainable Development Goals werden als zentraler Baustein einer weltweiten nachhaltigen Entwicklung gesehen und folgen auf die Millenium Development Goals. Um eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung gewährleisten zu können, ist es von hoher Relevanz, dass sich die verschiedenen Stakeholder-Gruppen mit der…

DFGE and CDP members

Interaktiver Workshop zu Science Based Targets

Am 21.09.2016 veranstaltete die DFGE als Partner der „Fachkonferenz Verantwortung“ (#fkv16) gemeinsam mit dem CDP einen Workshop zum Thema „Mehr als ein Fußabdruck: Klimareporting mit wissenschaftsbasierten Zielen“. In einer interaktiven Session diskutierten die gut 25 Teilnehmer aus verschiedensten Unternehmen 3 unterschiedliche Perspektiven zum Thema Science Based Targets (SBT). Die Science Based Targets sind auf einer…