Tobias has years of experience working in social and corporate sustainability. Since 2021 he is team lead of DFGE‘s reporting unit and helps clients manage their disclosure requirements. Before joining DFGE, Tobias worked in Sustainable Finance for a sustainability rating agency as an ESG consultant covering different European markets. Prior to that he managed SDG projects for an environmental NGO as a project portfolio manager.
Dieses Jahr hat CDP seine Methodik zur Bewertung der Fragebögen erheblich überarbeitet. Diese Änderungen zielen darauf ab, die Berichterstattung umfassender und kohärenter zu gestalten. Eine der bedeutendsten Anpassungen ist die Integration der Fragebögen zu Climate Change, Water Security und Forest in einen einzigen, umfassenden Fragebogen. Diese Integration soll es Unternehmen erleichtern, ihre Daten zu verschiedenen…
Looking for a Quick CDP Support? Choose DFGE! As the CDP deadline approaches, many companies are once again being asked by investors and customers to participate in this year’s CDP Climate Change Program. Responses need to be entered into CDP’s updated platform by September 18, 2024. CDP faces respondents with significant changes this year. They integrated the…
In a world where sustainability is not just a buzzword but a critical imperative, organizations face mounting pressure to transparently disclose their environmental impacts and efforts to mitigate climate change. CDP has long been at the forefront of this movement, providing a platform for companies to measure, manage, and disclose their environmental data. Now, in…
Looking for a Quick CDP Response Check? Choose DFGE! Approaching CDP Deadline Once again, numerous companies have been requested to participate in this year’s CDP Climate Change Program. These requests have been made by both investors and customers. Participants are obligated to address various aspects including CO2 emissions, climate risks and opportunities, reduction targets and…
Nachdem die EFRAG die Draft ESRS (Set 1) im November 2022 an die EU-Kommission übergeben hat, wurden diese von der EU-Kommission nun geprüft und überarbeitet. Am 09. Juni 2023 veröffentlichte die EU-Kommission die überarbeiteten Draft Delegated Acts der ESRS (hier). Diese stehen bis zum 07. Juli 2023 zur öffentlichen Konsultation und die Rückmeldungen werden bei…
The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) season 2023 will officially start on April 17. Already in January of this year CDP has released its 2023 questionnaire and reporting guidances for Forest, Water Security, and Climate Change. The updated scoring methodologies for all questionnaires, i.e. the exact information on how CDP scores each question, was released in…
The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) season 2022 has officially started. Already in January of this year CDP has released its 2022 questionnaire and reporting guidances for Forest, Water Security, and Climate Change. The updated scoring methodologies for all questionnaires, i.e. the exact information on how CDP scores each question, was released in March. As of…
CDP has released its 2022 questionnaire and reporting guidances for Forest, Water Security, and Climate Change. The updated scoring methodologies for all questionnaires, i.e. the exact information on how CDP scores each question, will likely be released in March. As in the previous years, CDP’s Online Response System will open in April and close by…
The race to net zero is on! The overarching goal of COP26 was to limit global warming to 1.5 instead of 2 degrees Celsius. With the conference in Glasgow just ending last weekend – what are the most important take-aways? There has been progress in some singular areas as heads of state, policy-makers, and industry…