The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) season 2022 has officially started. Already in January of this year CDP has released its 2022 questionnaire and reporting guidances for Forest, Water Security, and Climate Change. The updated scoring methodologies for all questionnaires, i.e. the exact information on how CDP scores each question, was released in March. As of last week, the CDP Online Response System (ORS) has opened its doors. The deadline to submit responses to the questionnaires this year is 27 July.
Until then, companies which have been asked through CDP’s Supply Chain or Investor programs can submit their responses using the ORS. In 2021, more than 200 supply chain members, i.e. large purchasers, have asked companies in their value chain to disclose information using the CDP questionnaires. Accordingly, more than 13,000 companies reported through CDP. With companies representing more than 64% of market capitalization, CDP is an important driver of corporate environmental transparency.
Changes to the Climate Change Questionnaire
Compared to previous years, CDP has introduced some significant changes in its Climate Change questionnaire. In general, the questionnaire changes follow CDP’s five-year strategy that aims at a more strategic inclusion of sustainability-related topics in corporate governance and decision-making. One of the largest differences to previous years, is the addition of a set of biodiversity questions to the climate change questionnaire. However, participants are given a grace period and these questions will not be scored in 2022. Topics such as transition plans to a 1.5C-world, scenario analysis, and climate-requirements in the value chain have gained in significance and it, thus, becomes increasingly difficult for participants to reach or sustain their top-level scores.
About CDP
The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is an independent, not-for-profit organization that runs the global disclosure system for companies, investors, states, regions, and cities to manage their environmental impact in terms of climate change, water security, and forests. assesses thousands of companies and organizations worldwide every year. At the request of investors, purchasers, and city stakeholders, CDP issues questionnaires to collect and evaluate data and information from participants on emissions, withdrawals, risks and opportunities, and reduction targets and strategies. As a recognized authority on sustainability assessments, CDP increasingly incorporated into financial assessments, (Deutsche Börse, Reuters, Google Finance, etc.).
DFGE support
Since 2014, DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy has been supporting companies as Accredited Solution Provider of CDP. As CDP’s longest partner in the Germanic region, DFGE has helped DAX, MDAX, and SME companies to improve their ratings for the Climate Change, Water Security, and Forests questionnaires or helped to set science-based targets (SBTs).
If you would like for DFGE to help set SBTs or improve your sustainability performance and successfully participate in the 2022 CDP questionnaire assessment or other sustainability ratings and rankings, please contact or call us: +49 8192 99733 20