AR Packaging Group improves CDP rating

Customer: AR Packaging Group

Category: Packaging

Date: June 2017

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The AR Packaging Group is one of the leading European companies in the packaging sector, with about 3.200 employees in 20 sites. The company’s headquarter is located in Lund / Sweden. The group formed in 2011, when A&R Carton, a leading producer of folding boxes, and Flextrus, a leading producer of flexible packaging in Northern Europe joined forces. The AR Packaging Group offers a large range of products to its clients – among them notable companies of the tobacco and food industry – and has an extensive know-how in the field of packaging.

Robert Mayr

Product Safety and Sustainability Manager AR Packaging Group AB

„Successful and informative workshop, accurate recommendations and well-considered priorization of the measures to be implemented, in addition a considerable improvement of our CDP result – we are very happy about our collaboration with DFGE!”


Sustainability is an important issue for AR Packaging, which is why an annual sustainability report is being published since 2007 (available at; as one of the first companies in the sector, AR Packaging aligned its reporting to the demanding GRI standard. Since 2014, AR Packaging furthermore participates in the CDP Supply Chain rating on request of several customers.

Goal of the joint project with DFGE was to improve the CDP result in a way that AR Packaging’s efforts in the field of sustainability are appropriately reflected.

It also should be ensured that employees from AR Packaging could benefit from DFGE’s expertise, so that the improvement process could be handed over to them in the foreseeable future.

„Our collaboration with DFGE expanded our understanding of CDP; we will benefit from this knowledge transfer in a very direct way, as we can now use our resources more effectively” states Robert Mayr, Product Safety and Sustainability Manager.


Workshop with CDP gap analysis and prioritized improvement plan

First, DFGE analyzed AR Packaging’s questionnaire submitted in the year before regarding strengths and weaknesses; this way, a prioritized improvement plan could be created for the remaining time until the CDP deadline. Criteria were a feasible implementation of measures in a short amount of time, expectable costs and potential impact on the CDP rating.

In a subsequent workshop on site, the questionnaire was discussed in detail, and the improvement plan was presented. It was also time for general questions regarding CDP and its scoring methodology. Finally, connections and synergies between CDP and other sustainability initiatives, as well as the potential development of corporate sustainability in the following years were discussed.


CDP result improved in all categories

The workshop served as a knowledge transfer regarding CDP, a fundament AR Packaging surely will benefit from in the following years; in the subsequent weeks, AR Packaging could implement the proposed measures in time. The resulting CDP result clearly improved over all categories in comparison to the year before, so that AR Packaging is now clearly above the CDP supply chain average.

For the next years, an implementation of further improvement measures is intended, and the collaboration with DFGE is planned to be extended also to other fields of corporate sustainability.


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