
Always up-to-date with DFGE

Welcome to our DFGE Library! Here you can find all current DFGE publications and information: White Papers & Guide Books like the CSR Handbook, DFGE Data Sheets, Academic Papers and Media Reports. All PDFs can be downloaded directly and free of charge for private use.

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White Papers & Guidebooks

Benefit from the expertise of our experts

Learn more about industries, methods and applications in our white papers. Get an overview of current standards and principles. Our industry reports also include information on the benefits, costs and potential savings of a particular problem solution.

Academic Papers & Articles

Scientific publications and media reports

This section is a mix of links to research results from internal and external research papers, publications in professional and public journals – and to our own DFGE cookbook (with delicious recipes to try).

Do you want to make your company fit for a climate-neutral future?

Whether you are looking for a partner to calculate carbon footprints, support in participating in CSR reporting such as CDP or EcoVadis, want to become climate neutral – or want to take your CSR management to the next level with our Sustainability Intelligence Platform.