winder landscape visual as illustration for the blog post about the Use of CDP data and machine learning for business decision making

Use CDP data and machine learning for business decision making

Reporting on sustainability becomes more important Companies face increasing pressure to disclose their corporate sustainability program. Such pressures come from various sources including legislative requirements and increasing public concern. Reporting and disclosure of a companies’ sustainability may be seen as a financial burden, however, they will become increasingly economically relevant (e.g., CO2 price). When an…

picture of a dragonfly flying over water illustrating the blog article about the climate strategy tool

Climate Strategy Tool: Meet your emission targets at the lowest costs

DFGE introduces a new interactive Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) tool which enables companies to both set up science-based emission targets (SBTs) and develop a strategy on how to meet them at the lowest costs. More and more companies quantify their greenhouse gas emissions (Carbon Footprint), report them publicly (e.g. via CDP) and set up science-based emission targets…

picture of a forest illustrating the blog article about the white paper CSR and Artificial intelligence and the NLP technique

DFGE Whitepaper: CSR and Artificial Intelligence

DFGE publishes the new whitepaper „Automatic Analysis of Textual CSR Data“ on the connection of CSR and Artificial Intelligence (AI). It introduces methodologies and use cases for an automated analysis of CSR-related textual data. The shift towards data-driven CSR management is promoted and accelerated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) (1) and Machine Learning (ML) (2) Techniques. Methods…

image showing a winter landscape visualizing the blog article about the artificial intelligence for CSR management

Artificial Intelligence for CSR Management – Shift Towards Scalable Sustainability Initiatives and Data-driven CSR Management

Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a large driver of digitalization is discussed controversially. Since AI is often associated with incredibly high opportunities on one hand and vague fears of losing self-control on the other hand, it might increase the competitive gap between business pioneers and laggards. DFGE implements new AI methods in the context of CSR…

picture of a forest

Künstliche Intelligenz & Nachhaltigkeit

Das Thema Künstliche Intelligenz wird derzeit viel diskutiert, da sich damit wie mit kaum einem anderen Thema Hoffnungen und Befürchtungen in Bezug auf die Arbeitswelt der Zukunft verbinden. KI gilt als Innovation, die Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft möglicherweise tiefgreifend verändern wird. Höchste Zeit also, sich Gedanken zu machen, ob und wie KI im Nachhaltigkeitsbereich Einzug…