Forest opening on the sky

Emissionseinsparungen ganz einfach validieren lassen

Die Berechnung von Carbon Footprints auf Unternehmens- oder Produktebene gehört seit über 15 Jahren zu den Kernkompetenzen der DFGE. Darüber hinaus übernimmt die DFGE aber auch vergleichende Emissionsberechnungen, die sich beispielsweise auf neuartige Fertigungsmethoden oder Veränderungen der firmeninternen Logistik beziehen. In diesen Fällen wird eine Studie erstellt, die es erlaubt, die Innovation mit dem Basisszenario…

global average absolute sea level change

High tide

Background story: The majority of our blog posts deals with CSR topics; we write about the latest developments in this field and try to relate it to a company’s daily business. Our background stories have a different perspective: Here, we explain trends, scientific background and societal implications of corporate sustainability – sometimes with a personal…

New Report: Carbon Footprint Estimation Boundaries shows dramatic lack of Methodology

„Do the Tier 1 and 2 estimates provide reasonable guidance?“ „Nearly two-thirds of all economic sectors providign goods and services (…) would have less than 25% of their total carbon footprint represented by Tiers 1 and 2.“ These are just two statements from a recently published report. „The Importance of Carbon Footprint Estimation Boundaries“ was…

Carbon Labelling in the UK

A new report from the Forum of the Future explores carbon labelling of products and the effects on shopping behaviour. I read about it at the ClimateBiz Newsletter. Especiall the UK companies are very active setting standards and defining labels. Therfore also the UK customers are quite familiar with those new labels but on the…