Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive (CSRD) – Was Unternehmen wissen müssen

Die Zahl der Regulierungsinitiativen, die auch eine nichtfinanzielle Offenlegung vorschreiben, steigt rapide an. Zwischen 2013 und 2018 ist die Zahl der erfassten Regulierungen um 72 % gestiegen. Vor allem in den letzten Jahren hat dieser Trend eine noch größere und bestimmendere Rolle eingenommen und ist der Grund für diesen CSRD-bezogenen Beitrag. Die DFGE hat diesen…

EU Taxonomy

The EU Taxonomy explained

What is the EU Taxonomy? The EU Taxonomy is a framework to facilitate sustainable investment and was established to fulfill the EU´s environmental objectives. It is a regulatory classification tool that helps investors, companies, and financial institutions to define a standardized understanding of which economic activities can be considered environmentally sustainable. The overarching goal of the EU…

picture of blue flowers illustrating the article about low carbon transition

Assessing Low-Carbon Transition: The ACT framework

The CDP and the ADEME have launched the ACT (Assessing Low-Carbon Transition) project, defining a new rating regarding climate change management. The methodology will assess the transition of companies towards a low-carbon economy. What is the ACT (Assessing Low-Carbon Transition) framework? ACT, or Assessing Low-Carbon Transition, is a methodology developed by CDP and ADEME to…