SBTI Kompesnation

SBTi: Net Zero & Compensation

Achieving climate neutrality is becoming increasingly important for companies and is becoming part of their corporate objectives as part of their climate strategy. The aim is to continuously reduce CO2 emissions throughout the company and its value chain. Since a complete avoidance of CO2 emissions is difficult to achieve, companies invest in climate protection projects…

Scope 3 Emissionen

SBTi & Scope 3 Emissions

In addition to yesterdays blogpost on „How to correctly calculate a company´s indirect Scope 3 emissions“ the following video by SBTi covers scope 3 emissions abatement targets in the context of the SBTi Net-Zero Standard Criteria, including the background of scope 3 emissions abetment targets and the questions provided in the SBTi Net-Zero Standard Criteria…

SBTi Residual Emissions

Emissions Abatement and Residual Emissions with the SBTi

This video covers guiding principles relating to emissions abatement criteria; overviews the emissions abatement target-setting method and criteria as they relate to interim and net-zero science-based targets; and reviews the questions that are available for the SBTi Net-Zero Standard Criteria public consultation. Various approaches for the calculation of science-based targets are available (contraction, compression, convergence).…

Klimaneutralität Automobilbranche

Die Automobilindustrie auf ihrem Weg zur Klimaneutralität

Eine von Erstausstattern getriebene Nachfrage Automobilhersteller sehen sich zunehmend steigendem Druck gegenüber, die Emissionen ihrer hergestellten Fahrzeuge zu reduzieren, da sich rund 12% der gesamten EU-weiten CO2-Emissionen auf PKWs zurückführen lassen. Ziel der Unternehmen sollte sein, in Teilen oder im Gesamten die Klimaneutralität zu erreichen. Vor dem Hintergrund dieses wachsenden Drucks steht eine seit 2015…