CDP Response Check

CDP Response Check 2023 by DFGE

Looking for a Quick CDP Response Check? Choose DFGE! Approaching CDP Deadline Once again, numerous companies have been requested to participate in this year’s CDP Climate Change Program. These requests have been made by both investors and customers. Participants are obligated to address various aspects including CO2 emissions, climate risks and opportunities, reduction targets and…

CDP Response Check

CDP Response Check 2022

Are you looking for quick feedback before submitting your CDP response? Then you might consider a CDP response check by DFGE. CDP deadline approaching Again, thousands of companies were asked to report in the CDP Climate Change Program this year. The requests came from both investors and customers. Companies are required to answer a variety…

picture of mountains illustrating the article about CDP response check

Go for a CDP Response Check

Want to have short feedback before submitting your CDP answer? Opt for a CDP Response Check by DFGE! What is CDP? The CDP is „a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts“. The CDP collects data related to Climate Change, Water, and…

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Looking for help and support for your EcoVadis participation?

In winter 2016, we announced our partnership with EcoVadis, a company linking suppliers and buyers in a collaborative platform where suppliers are assessed on their sustainability performance. We will provide various levels of Ecovadis participation support to organizations answering EcoVadis. 1. Response check Your company already has answered several questionnaires, but is still unsure of…

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EcoVadis and DFGE partnership: boosting sustainable procurement in the German-speaking region

DFGE becomes the first Consulting Partner in the German-speaking region of EcoVadis, the leader in supply chain sustainability ratings. This partnership will help companies to better answer their clients’ requests for an EcoVadis assessment, as well as to improve CSR performance. EcoVadis, a collaborative sustainability rating platform EcoVadis operates the first collaborative platform providing Supplier…