SBTi Obstacles

Setting Science-based Targets – General and industry specific obstacles

for relevant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are calculated on a scientific basis. Companies which aim to participate in the initiative are expected to set an ambitious target for reducing their  GHG emissions which is in line with the 2°C target of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. But setting SBTs is not always an easy task, and many corporations fail at this hurdle.

Transparenz bei Klimaschutzprojekten

Transparenz bei Klimaschutzprojekten

Ein Produkt als klimaneutral bezeichnen zu können, erfordert von Unternehmen die Einhaltung von festgelegten Schritten: der Berechnung von CO2-Emissionen, der Vermeidung und Reduktion dieser Emissionen und letztlich den Ausgleich von nicht vermeidbaren Emissionen über zertifizierte Kompensations- bzw. Klimaschutzprojekte. Vor allem die Schritte der Reduktion und Vermeidung von Emissionen sind essentiell. Was heißt Klimaneutralität? Klimaneutralität bedeutet,…

PR Teamausbau / Standort

DFGE auf Wachstumskurs – Ausbau des Projektteams und Eröffnung einer neuen Geschäftsstelle in München

Die DFGE – Institut für Energie, Ökologie und Ökonomie reagiert auf wachsendes Marktinteresse mit dem Ausbau des CSR Projekt-Teams und der Eröffnung eines Münchner City Büros. Fokus des Wachstums liegt dabei auf dem Ausbau der Branchenexpertise und vollumfänglicher Kundenbetreuung in stetig komplexer werdenden Projekten. München, 20. September 2021 – Der EU Green Deal, die EU…

SBTI Kompesnation

SBTi: Net Zero & Compensation

Achieving climate neutrality is becoming increasingly important for companies and is becoming part of their corporate objectives as part of their climate strategy. The aim is to continuously reduce CO2 emissions throughout the company and its value chain. Since a complete avoidance of CO2 emissions is difficult to achieve, companies invest in climate protection projects…

Scope 3 Emissionen

SBTi & Scope 3 Emissions

In addition to yesterdays blogpost on „How to correctly calculate a company´s indirect Scope 3 emissions“ the following video by SBTi covers scope 3 emissions abatement targets in the context of the SBTi Net-Zero Standard Criteria, including the background of scope 3 emissions abetment targets and the questions provided in the SBTi Net-Zero Standard Criteria…


How to correctly calculate a company´s indirect Scope 3 emissions

Until recently, companies have focused on estimating their own operational emissions under Scope 1 and 2. But setting emission reduction targets throughout the complete value chain is increasingly becoming a new business norm to mitigate potential risks and highlight a comprehensive approach towards supply chain partners and suppliers for creating beneficial synergies. So not only direct scope 1 from owned or controlled sources, and indirect scope 2 emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling consumed by the reporting company, also all other indirect up- and downstream Scope 3 emissions along the value chain, which present a substantial part of a company´s GHG emissions, gain increasingly more attention from businesses.