Eva graduated from the University of Passau with an interdisciplinary master’s degree, focusing on business ethics, development economics, political science, and languages. Her master's thesis examined the policy process around the German Due Diligence Act. As part of DFGE's project management team, she assists companies in participating in CSR rankings, especially the CDP. Eva enjoys going on long hikes, camping and learning new languages.

Double Materiality

Double Materiality explained

Authors: Translated by Eva Kleemann (DFGE), Source Text here. Publication: Juli 2023 Background In January 2023, the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) came into effect. From 2024 onwards, companies in the EU are required to provide detailed non-financial information in their management reports regarding environmental, social, and governance aspects. The European Sustainability Reporting…

CDP 2022 Ergebnisse

What we learn from CDP 2022 scores

CDP questionnaires and publication of results CDP (formerly “Carbon Disclosure Project”) is an independent organization that conducts annual assessments of companies’ environmental impact worldwide. For this purpose, CDP collects and evaluates data from participating companies. The information is obtained from three detailed sector-specific questionnaires (Climate Change, Water and Forest) that companies are requested to complete.…

TCFD Recommendations

How CDP aligns with the TCFD recommendations on climate-related financial disclosures

What are the TCFD recommendations? For years, there has been an increased demand from the capital market for reliable and comparable information from companies on the impact of climate change. For this reason, the G20 Finance Ministers established the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) in 2015. Since 2017, it has published recommendations to…

Environment Social Governance

ESG – Warum mangelnde Transparenz teuer sein kann

ESG-Kriterien und -Ratings Die transparente Bewertung der Leistungen von Unternehmen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit anhand messbarer und nachprüfbarer Kriterien gewinnt mehr und mehr an Bedeutung. Auch Finanzakteure integrieren mit zunehmender Vehemenz Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte als Konditionen bei der Kapitalvergabe. Dabei werden Unternehmen in sogenannten ESG-Ratings objektiv zu ihren nachhaltigen Geschäftspraktiken beurteilt. Hier wird zwischen den Bereichen Bereichen E…


CSRD-Berichtspflicht – Welche Anforderungen müssen Unternehmen erfüllen?

Die DFGE hat diesen Artikel am 09. Mai 2022 veröffentlicht. Da die CSRD fortlaufenden Änderungen unterzogen wird, infomieren Sie sich hier über den aktuellen Stand und erfahren Sie alles, was Sie wissen müssen. Hintergrund Bereits seit 2017 sind große börsennotierte Unternehmen im Rahmen der Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) der EU dazu verpflichtet, über Umwelt- und…