Julian studied International Corporate Communication and Media Management at the HNU University of Applied Sciences in Neu-Ulm, Germany. He joined the DFGE team in 2018 and is now working as Marketing and Corporate Communication Manager. He enjoys playing Tennis, Skiing and to meet with friends.
Climate-oriented adaptation is becoming increasingly important for the financial sector. At the same time, it poses challenges for most sectors. For example, there is no single agreed decarbonisation pathway, the methodologies for tracking alignment are unclear, and this is further compounded by the poor quality of the underlying data. In addition, pioneering financial institutions face…
From April 6, 2021, invited companies can open the CSA and from June 1, 2021 they can access the S&P ESG Indices as well as the Dow Jones Sustainability (DJSI) Indices. Companies are selected for inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), S&P 500 ESG and several other sustainability indices on the basis of…
What is the EU Taxonomy? The EU Taxonomy is a framework to facilitate sustainable investment and was established to fulfill the EU´s environmental objectives. It is a regulatory classification tool that helps investors, companies, and financial institutions to define a standardized understanding of which economic activities can be considered environmentally sustainable. The overarching goal of the EU…
The ecosystem has benefited humanity for millennia by protecting from floods, regulating diseases and pests, absorbing and transforming carbon-dioxide, maintaining habitats and, above all, providing food and water. But the IPBES, the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services warns, that the failure to protect ecosystems would lead to catastrophic consequences for people and nature.…
Sowohl in den sozialen Medien als auch in der klassischen Berichterstattung ist die Coronakrise omnipräsent. So überdeckt diese aktuell vorherrschende und in das Leben der Menschen eingreifende Pandemie, wie schnell und drastisch die Klimakrise eskaliert; denn die Erderwärmung schreitet voran – auch in Deutschland. Der Stern widmete dem Thema bereits im September 2020 eine Sonderausgabe…
An interview with Mr. Manuel Meneses, Global Reporting Initiative The DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy is part of the GRI Community. GRI is an independent international organization that has pioneered sustainability reporting since 1997. The GRI community helps foster links between organizations, to shape the future of reporting. DFGE welcomes this initiative to…
Businesses are increasingly interested in estimating and making claims about the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission impacts of their products and services. While they increasingly account for their Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, there is now a new concept gaining importance, namely Scope 4 emissions. Scope 4 emissions describe emissions that can be avoided through…
Die Begriffe “CO2-Kompensation” oder auch “CO2-Neutralität” sind in aller Munde. Um den Anstieg des Weltklimas zu begrenzen und so katastrophale Folgen zu verhindern, sind in den nächsten Jahren weitreichende Veränderungen des Energiesystems und unserer Produktions- und Lebensweise notwendig. Auch Unternehmen sind aufgrund ihres Einflusses auf die weltweiten Lieferketten wichtige Akteure dieser Entwicklung. Um den Prozess…
When it comes to responsible investment, there is especially one term taking the stage, namely environmental, social, governance – short ESG. (Hong 2019) According to the United Nations-supported organization Principles for Responsible Investment, sustainable financial systems reward long-term investments and benefit the society and the environment as a whole (Principles for Responsible Investment 2019). Successful…
Carbon pricing applies market-based mechnisms to accelerate the transition towards a low carbon future. The main idea behind the aspect of carbon pricing is the “polluter pays” principle. Putting a price on carbon implies that the organizations and businesses which are responsible for emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere are also held accountable for their…