A long-term cooperation

Customer: WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG

Category: Manufacturing, Metrology

Date: January 2023

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For over 75 years, WIKA has been a recognized partner and competent specialist for all measuring technology tasks. The 43 company-owned subsidiaries worldwide include state-of-the-art production facilities in all central markets, service workshops, assembly facilities and teams for complementary services. In the WIKA Group, more than 10,200 employees are currently at the service of progress in pressure, temperature, force and level measurement technology as well as flow measurement, calibration and SF6 gas solutions.

In order to be optimally prepared for CSR reporting requirements, WIKA decided to enter into a long-term cooperation with DFGE and MINT. The processes for data collection and preparation according to the GRI standard up to the final designed sustainability report were initially new territory for the company – so the development of the data and design of a report should create a basis for the coming years.

Alisa Herzing

Product Compliance Engineer & Project Lead CSR-Report, WIKA

“The processes are well interlinked – from consulting and data collection to design and copywriting. Regular meetings and the direct link between MINT and DFGE prevent misunderstandings. The many years of experience also make a positive impact and lead to a well-rounded result.”


A sustainability report from scratch

WIKA had no previous contact with CSR-compliant sustainability reports. In order to prevent problems and gaps in the future mandatory reports, a good basis should be created, both in terms of data quality and quantity and the translation of this data into an appealing report.


Implementation through the entire process

With the help of the DFGE, key topics were first defined in a materiality analysis. This was followed by careful data collection using various internal sources as well as interviews and other methods. The data was prepared in accordance with the GRI standard, with data gaps and weaknesses in data quality also being identified and named in order to improve them for future years and reports.

MINT as a creative agency was integrated into the processes at an early stage and creates a finished report from the collected data – there is a close exchange between all parties involved in order to achieve both an appropriate tone and design as well as correct and compliant data.


Prepared for the reporting obligation

The goal is a complete report according to previously developed focal points, which serves as a basis for the upcoming mandatory sustainability reports. Data gaps and deficiencies are identified and improved, concrete sustainability targets are developed, and those responsible know the processes.

The dynamic collaboration, which skillfully combines two worlds, creates synergies and learning for all parties. This makes the preparation of future sustainability reports easier, more efficient and more resource-efficient as a well-coordinated team.

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