potatoes vegetable fair trade

A CSR checklist to easily improve fair operating practices

In 2016 DFGE started a series of various CSR checklists to easily improve organizations’ sustainability programs. The first one was general on the corporate governance, and how companies should structure their program in general. Afterwards, DFGE focused on the core subjects listed by ISO 26000, the norm on Social Responsibility. Such topics included: environment, labor…

picture of a hut in the mountains in winter

A checklist to easily improve consumer issues management

With monthly press releases, DFGE – the Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy – presents checklists aiming at improving sustainability management. After having focused on the program and environmental, labor practices and human rights, community involvement improvement, DFGE now consolidates a checklist on how to sustainably manage consumer issues. Greifenberg/Munich, 10 January 2016 – DFGE –…

tree with yellow leafs

A checklist to easily improve community program

With monthly press releases, DFGE– the Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy – consolidates checklists with best practices in order to improve the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. After having focused on the program as a whole, and environmental, labor practices and human rights, DFGE now provides a list for community involvement improvement. Greifenberg/Munich, 31…