Environmental Trands 2022

Environmental Trends 2022

Environmental protection and sustainability are becoming more and more a trend. For many companies real measures to meet sustainability criteria are getting priority. Supply Chain Due Diligence Act and the Taxonomy under ESG regulation is intended to help with this. EU Green Deal & Taxonomy To enable Europe to become “the first climate-neutral continent in…

EcoVadis B2B Forum DACH

DFGE-Expertenpanel beim diesjährigen EcoVadis B2B Sustainability Forum

Interessante Einblicke beim EcoVadis B2B Sustainability Forum DACH am 17.11.2021 Die Ausgangslage hatte der „EcoVadis Business Sustainability Risk und Performance Index“ klar analysiert: im Bereich der nachhaltigen Beschaffung und des Lieferkettenmanagements sinkt der globale Durchschnittswert bei bewerteten Unternehmen. Aus den stagnierenden und teils sinkenden Scores im Bereich der nachhaltigen Beschaffung lässt sich ableiten, welcher Weg…

picture of a man putting his signature on a contract

Freely chosen employment: a focus of EICC Code of Conduct latest version

Background story: The majority of our blog posts deals with CSR topics; we write about the latest developments in this field and try to relate it to a company’s daily business. Our background stories have a different perspective: Here, we explain trends, scientific background and societal implications of corporate sustainability – sometimes with a personal…