S&P Global CSA 2022

S&P Global CSA 2022

The S&P Global questionnaires for CSA 2022 will open on April 5, 2022 (DJSI) and May 5, 2022 (ESG Indices). Due to the growing interest of stakeholders in sustainability and climate change, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to make their sustainability efforts transparent. In addition to sustainability reports with environmental, social, and governance…

EU Taxonomy: European Comission declares nuclear and gas to be green

The EU Taxonomy is a regulatory classification tool that helps investors, companies and financial institutions to define environmentally sustainable economic activities. It sets standardized requirements under which conditions corporate activities can be considered sustainable. The taxonomy does not ban investments in activities not labelled „green“, but it limits which ones companies and investors can claim…

Global Risks Report 2022

Global Risks Report 2022

After three years of Covid, people around the world are undoubtedly tired of sliding from one crisis to the next. Especially compared to the ongoing pandemic and the Ukrainian war, other global crises seem to lose importance. Experts emphasize the danger of ignoring surfacing warning signs.  Besides the ongoing pandemic, supply chain disruptions, inflation, debt,…

Lieferkettengesetz Deutschland

Das neue Lieferkettengesetz für eine nachhaltige Globalisierung

Bis ein T-Shirt in der Europäischen Union in den Laden kommt, hat es nach Angaben des Bundesentwicklungsministeriums 18.000 Kilometer zurückgelegt. 80 Prozent des Welthandels gründen auf weltumspannenden Wertschöpfungsketten. Sie bilden die Existenzgrundlage für mehr als 450 Millionen Menschen. Aber oft leiden diejenigen am Anfang der Lieferkette, die für Europa Kleidung oder Nahrungsmittel herstellen, unter schlechten…

Environmental Trands 2022

Environmental Trends 2022

Environmental protection and sustainability are becoming more and more a trend. For many companies real measures to meet sustainability criteria are getting priority. Supply Chain Due Diligence Act and the Taxonomy under ESG regulation is intended to help with this. EU Green Deal & Taxonomy To enable Europe to become “the first climate-neutral continent in…

ESG Ratings

Acquisition of RobecoSAM’s ESG ratings by S&P Global indices – overview and further information

In January 2020, S&P Global announced that it has successfully completed the acquisition of the ESG ratings as well as ESG benchmarking units from RobecoSAM. The ESG ratings business includes the well-known Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) from RobecoSAM. This blog post introduces you to S&P and RobecoSAM, describes how they are connected and shares further information.…

ESG Blogpost

Three main drivers of ESG and responsible investment

When it comes to responsible investment, there is especially one term taking the stage, namely environmental, social, governance – short ESG. (Hong 2019) According to the United Nations-supported organization Principles for Responsible Investment, sustainable financial systems reward long-term investments and benefit the society and the environment as a whole (Principles for Responsible Investment 2019). Successful…