Rebecca studied business administration (M.Sc.) with a focus on sustainability, management and marketing at the University of Bayreuth. As part of the DFGE climate team, she is an expert on Science-Based Targets and Climate Action Plan. She supports companies both in SBT participation and in developing a climate strategy and reduction measures based on their carbon footprint. In her free time, she likes to be out in nature and read through her large online library.

Science-based Targets

SBTs: Current Developments & updated Criteria

On March 20, 2023, the IPCC’s overarching final report, the AR6 Synthesis Report, was released, and again emphasized the urgency of climate action[1]. To address this concern, many companies have adopted sustainability strategies to reduce their environmental impact and become more socially responsible. One such strategy is the adoption of science-based targets. Science-based targets and…


Climate Strategy – Die DFGE Klimastrategie

Eine erfolgreiche Klimastrategie ermöglicht zum einen die Reduktion der Umweltauswirkung eines Unternehmens und zum anderen die Adaption des Unternehmens an die Risiken des Klimawandels. Herausforderung Klimawandel Der sich verschärfende Klimawandel stellt die Unternehmen vermehrt vor Herausforderungen. Nicht nur ändern sich die Anforderungen von Geschäftspartnern und Kunden (z. B. ein gutes Rating bei CDP), auch üben…