picture of a sunset in winter visualizing the article about Nachhaltigkeits policy

Constitution of a ’Sustainability Policy’

This blog article briefly discusses the framework conditions as well as possible measures for drafting a ‘Sustainability Policy’ and makes a point of reference to the EcoVadis sustainability assessment platform. Short introduction – what is a ‘Sustainability Policy’? A ‘Sustainability Policy’ sets a defined framework and limits the necessary actions to achieve the goals in…

picture of a sunset in winter visualizing the article about Nachhaltigkeits policy

Verfassung einer Nachhaltigkeits-Policy

Dieser Blogartikel behandelt kurz und einschlägig die Rahmenbedingungen sowie mögliche Maßnahmen, um eine Nachhaltigkeits-Policy zu verfassen und stellt dabei punktuell einen Bezug zur Nachhaltigkeitsbewertungsplattform EcoVadis her. Kurze Einführung – was ist eine Nachhaltigkeits-Policy? Eine Nachhaltigkeits-Policy gibt einen definierten Rahmen vor und grenzt die dafür nötigen Handlungen zur Zielerreichung in nachhaltigkeitsrelevanten Bereichen (z. B. Umwelt, Soziales,…

picture of a jetty illustrating the article about the DFGE csr handbook

The DFGE CSR-handbook

Your daily companion for working in the field of corporate responsibility The field of CSR is becoming more and more complex. Sustainability plays an increasing role. Every company but also private individuals are confronted with this megatrend. The DFGE CSR-Handbook helps you to stay up to date and to make your business sustainable and future-oriented.…

picture of a man putting his signature on a contract

Freely chosen employment: a focus of EICC Code of Conduct latest version

Background story: The majority of our blog posts deals with CSR topics; we write about the latest developments in this field and try to relate it to a company’s daily business. Our background stories have a different perspective: Here, we explain trends, scientific background and societal implications of corporate sustainability – sometimes with a personal…