potatoes vegetable fair trade

Eine CSR Checkliste zur Verbesserung „Faires Wirtschaften“

Im Jahr 2016 hat die DFGE Checklisten veröffentlicht, die Unternehmen dabei helfen, ihr CSR-Programm zu verbessern. Zuerst haben wir erklärt, wie ein Programm generell strukturiert sein sollte. Dann wurden die anderen CSR-Themen der ISO 26000 (Nachhaltigkeitsnorm) behandelt: Umwelt, Arbeitspraktiken, Menschenrechte, Einbeziehung und Entwicklung von Gemeinschaft und nachhaltiger Umgang mit Kunden und Verbrauchern. Die letzte Checkliste…

picture showing a cliff and the sea illustrating the article about SDGs

Define your sustainable procurement strategy with the SDGs

Since their adoption, there is an ongoing discussion how SDGs can be integrated and used by businesses; indeed, the SDGs explicitly name companies as contributors to a solution for sustainable development challenges. This article describes how the SDGs can be used as a framework for sustainable procurement strategy. Sustainable procurement means turning risks into opportunities Many…

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Looking for help and support for your EcoVadis participation?

In winter 2016, we announced our partnership with EcoVadis, a company linking suppliers and buyers in a collaborative platform where suppliers are assessed on their sustainability performance. We will provide various levels of Ecovadis participation support to organizations answering EcoVadis. 1. Response check Your company already has answered several questionnaires, but is still unsure of…

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EcoVadis and DFGE partnership: boosting sustainable procurement in the German-speaking region

DFGE becomes the first Consulting Partner in the German-speaking region of EcoVadis, the leader in supply chain sustainability ratings. This partnership will help companies to better answer their clients’ requests for an EcoVadis assessment, as well as to improve CSR performance. EcoVadis, a collaborative sustainability rating platform EcoVadis operates the first collaborative platform providing Supplier…