Ann-Katrin studied Business Innovation and Sustainability Management. She is part of the DFGE project team supporting companies to reach their sustainability goals. In her spare time she enjoys doing sports and travelling with her camper van.
The EcoVadis Supply Chain Assessment EcoVadis is a supply chain assessment which helps companies to understand and quantify sustainability risks within their supply chain. Unlike individual questionnaires or very specific ones like CDP, EcoVadis offers a standardized approach which is able to compare the performance of companies with entirely different profiles on a rating scale…
Sustainability reporting is growing at a rapid pace. Over the years, sustainability reporting has become more widespread globally, both in terms of geography and the number of sectors of industry. A recent report, “The KPMG Survey of Sustainability Reporting 2020,” found that 80% of companies (mid- and large-cap firms) worldwide report on their sustainability progress.…
The EU Taxonomy is a regulatory classification tool that helps investors, companies and financial institutions to define environmentally sustainable economic activities. It sets standardized requirements under which conditions corporate activities can be considered sustainable. The taxonomy does not ban investments in activities not labelled „green“, but it limits which ones companies and investors can claim…
Bis ein T-Shirt in der Europäischen Union in den Laden kommt, hat es nach Angaben des Bundesentwicklungsministeriums 18.000 Kilometer zurückgelegt. 80 Prozent des Welthandels gründen auf weltumspannenden Wertschöpfungsketten. Sie bilden die Existenzgrundlage für mehr als 450 Millionen Menschen. Aber oft leiden diejenigen am Anfang der Lieferkette, die für Europa Kleidung oder Nahrungsmittel herstellen, unter schlechten…
Companies interested in bringing their CO2 emissions towards Net Zero should consider the new report from the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), which will probably be published in November this year, just in time for COP26. The new paper lays out the conceptual foundations for credible, science-based net-zero targets for the corporate sector. Science Based Targets…
„CO2 offsetting is greenwashing“ is a common reproach. Critics complain that companies hold on to their environmentally harmful business – and offset CO2 to give themselves the green image of „climate neutrality“. What does “greenwashing” mean? Is the criticism justified? And how does the DFGE clearly distance itself from greenwashing? Greenwashing: the creation of a…