Julian studied International Corporate Communication and Media Management at the HNU University of Applied Sciences in Neu-Ulm, Germany. He joined the DFGE team in 2018 and is now working as Marketing and Corporate Communication Manager. He enjoys playing Tennis, Skiing and to meet with friends.
Achieving climate neutrality is becoming increasingly important for companies and is becoming part of their corporate objectives as part of their climate strategy. The aim is to continuously reduce CO2 emissions throughout the company and its value chain. Since a complete avoidance of CO2 emissions is difficult to achieve, companies invest in climate protection projects…
In addition to yesterdays blogpost on “How to correctly calculate a company´s indirect Scope 3 emissions” the following video by SBTi covers scope 3 emissions abatement targets in the context of the SBTi Net-Zero Standard Criteria, including the background of scope 3 emissions abetment targets and the questions provided in the SBTi Net-Zero Standard Criteria…
In September 2020, the Science Based Targets (SBT) Initiative published the first scenarios with which companies can even develop into a “net zero” and in the best case scenario into a “climate positive”. CO2 compensation / neutralisation is a proven aspect of these approaches. This SBTi video reviews neutralisation as it relates to the SBTi…
Ein Interview von Dr. Alice Beining mit Nicole Heißmann im Stern. Frau Dr. Beining, Director Projects and Solutions bei der DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy, betreut Unternehmen hinsichtlich ihrer Klimastrategie und welche Schritte sie auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität ergreifen müssen. Interview zitiert aus dem Stern, Sonderausgabe “Die Flut” 01/2021: https://bit.ly/3AKIBB5. Was…
This video covers guiding principles relating to emissions abatement criteria; overviews the emissions abatement target-setting method and criteria as they relate to interim and net-zero science-based targets; and reviews the questions that are available for the SBTi Net-Zero Standard Criteria public consultation. Various approaches for the calculation of science-based targets are available (contraction, compression, convergence).…
We’ve all heard of it: the aim of becoming “net-zero”. Companies around the world are setting net-zero targets, yet there currently isn’t a global standard to distinguish what truly constitutes a science-based net-zero target. Now, in the lead-up to COP 26, the SBTi is hard at work developing the first-ever global standard for net-zero criteria.…
EcoVadis, NQC/ SAQ, Sustainalytics und CDP im Vergleich Unternehmen veröffentlichen in ihren Nachhaltigkeitsberichten, Informationen über ihre Verantwortung und Tätigkeiten für die Umwelt, die eigenen Mitarbeiter sowie die Gesellschaft bis hinein in die eigene Lieferkette. Eine gute Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung schafft Vertrauen bei den Stakeholdern (Kunden, Mitarbeitern, Investoren und der Öffentlichkeit). Jedoch unterscheidet sich die Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung zwischen den…
Growing pressures from governments, as seen through i.e. the ‘Paris Climate Agreement’ have led to the implementation more holistic and serious climate strategies across businesses. This awareness increase was partially driven by the assessment published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which included scientific evidence on the existence of climate change and established…
Mehr als je zuvor stehen Unternehmen im Rampenlicht, wenn es darum geht soziale und ökologische Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Auf große Herausforderungen wie den Klimawandel oder sozialen Ungleichheiten haben Unternehmen einen großen Einfluss, wenn gleich sie dabei in der Übernahme ihrer Verantwortung immer kritischer von der Gesellschaft unter die Lupe genommen werden. Auch die Deutsche Politik…
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks are found in corporate practice in many ways, for example forest and bush fires in Australia, social unrest in other countries caused by lack of opportunity and perspective, and the changing role of corporations. With the global pandemic, the differences between the various social classes in terms of equal…