Long-term collaboration with BellandVision GmbH

Customer: BellandVision GmbH

Category: Recycling

Date: September 2017

Company Website

BellandVision GmbH is a service company in the field of licensing and disposal of packaging waste serving industry and trading companies based on the German packaging law. Being an expert for licensing and disposal of packaging, the company takes over the duties resulting from the law, according to which initial circulators of products (manufacturers, trading companies, importing companies) shall license all packaging waste which is intended for end-consumers in a “dual system”, and therefore ensure its withdrawal and disposal. BellandVision is currently the second-largest dual system in Germany.

Since 2008, BellandVision is a subsidiary of SUEZ DEUTSCHLAND, one of the largest waste management companies in Germany and part of the stock-listed SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT group. Among the customers, there are well-known companies from industry and commerce.

Thomas Mehl

Managing Director BellandVision GmbH

„We get more and more requests concerning our CSR strategy. Only when we manage to hang in there and to constantly improve, we can make sure that we get orders also in future. The experts from DFGE support us for many years with their excellent work, so that we just signed another three years contract.“


BellandVision – Set the tone in the field of sustainability

BellandVision, DFGE customer since 2012, contributes by means of its business activity to an efficient circular flow of resources and thus to reaching sustainability targets of recycling and climate protection.

Beyond the regular business activity, BellandVision strives for setting the tone in the field of sustainability and contributing actively to reducing emissions and use of resources. In the course of this, own efforts should be maximized by involving BellandVision’s customers as much as possible, by indicating possibilities for emissions optimization.

Therefore, BellandVision is in line with the German packaging law, which obligates producers to consider environmental burdens already during the design of their packaging.

The target of BellandVision was to create a sound basis for the reduction of own environmental impacts, and to develop a system which allows the own customers to better assess and quantify positive effects of packaging recycling. With these targets in mind, BellandVision approached DFGE for an implementation.


Carbon Footprint and savings certificates

First, DFGE calculated BellandVision’s carbon footprint, which serves as a basis for further efforts in the field of sustainability. The calculations were executed according to DFGE’s TopDown approach, which delivers a sound emissions balance for direct and indirect emissions with relatively low effort and moderate costs. Besides company location and operations of BellandVision, the complete service chain including collection, transport, treatment and disposal were considered too, and the results were illustrated in a separate study.

Based on these calculations, a tool was developed which allows BellandVision’s employees to calculate saved emissions for every customer individually. The tool also allows the export of an individual certificate, which can be handed out by BellandVision to the customers.


Partnership makes an impact

By means of the carbon footprint calculation, especially through the breakdown of results according to the categories of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, BellandVision is able to improve its own emissions balance by means of targeted reduction measures.

The certificates depicting emissions saved through recycling, which are created widely automatically, further increase BellandVision’s impact: They emphasize the relevance of sustainability towards the customers, and they show that every company can influence its emissions balance.

Since 2012, carbon footprint and study are regularly updated and adapted by DFGE; the successful partnership of the two companies was already extended several times.

„We work in a field which is highly regulated; therefore, it is important for us to be different from our competitors. Here, DFGE supports us already for several years to our fullest satisfaction.” – Thomas Mehl, Geschäftsführer BellandVision GmbH


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