Stern Interview Dr. Alice Beining

Die Firmen müssen die Hosen runterlassen

Ein Interview von Dr. Alice Beining mit Nicole Heißmann im Stern. Frau Dr. Beining, Director Projects and Solutions bei der DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy, betreut Unternehmen hinsichtlich ihrer Klimastrategie und welche Schritte sie auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität ergreifen müssen. Interview zitiert aus dem Stern, Sonderausgabe „Die Flut“ 01/2021: Was…

Climate Strategy

Climate Strategy with the DFGE

Growing pressures from governments, as seen through i.e. the ‘Paris Climate Agreement’ have led to the implementation more holistic and serious climate strategies across businesses. This awareness increase was partially driven by the assessment published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which included scientific evidence on the existence of climate change and established…

picture of a forest in winter ilustrating the article about science based targets

Science Based Targets – an important contribution to the climate protection strategy

How do the Science Based Targets work? Science Based Targets (SBTs) are reduction targets / goals for greenhouse gases. The Science Based Targets were created in the mid-2015 as a result of a partnership between the organizations CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), WRI (World Resource Institute), WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) and UNGC (United Nations…