Julian studied International Corporate Communication and Media Management at the HNU University of Applied Sciences in Neu-Ulm, Germany. He joined the DFGE team in 2018 and is now working as Marketing and Corporate Communication Manager. He enjoys playing Tennis, Skiing and to meet with friends.


Verbesserung des Ecovadis Scorings Kunde: MANN + HUMMEL Kategorie: Automotive Datum: Mai 2022 Als Experte und weltweit führendes Unternehmen in der Filtrationstechnologie entwickelt MANN+HUMMEL innovative Filtrations- und Separationslösungen, die saubere Mobilität, saubere Luft und sauberes Wasser ermöglichen. Damit leistet das Unternehmen einen wichtigen Beitrag für eine saubere Welt und den nachhaltigen Umgang mit begrenzten Ressourcen.…

S&P Global CSA 2022

S&P Global CSA 2022

The S&P Global questionnaires for CSA 2022 will open on April 5, 2022 (DJSI) and May 5, 2022 (ESG Indices). Due to the growing interest of stakeholders in sustainability and climate change, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to make their sustainability efforts transparent. In addition to sustainability reports with environmental, social, and governance…

Global Risks Report 2022

Global Risks Report 2022

After three years of Covid, people around the world are undoubtedly tired of sliding from one crisis to the next. Especially compared to the ongoing pandemic and the Ukrainian war, other global crises seem to lose importance. Experts emphasize the danger of ignoring surfacing warning signs.  Besides the ongoing pandemic, supply chain disruptions, inflation, debt,…


NetZero vs Climate Neutral vs Climate Positive – a clarification of different terms and definitions

During the last couple of years, the number of climate neutral claims for individual products or by entire organizations has risen drastically. Numerous of such claims faced legal complications and government regulations, as seen for instance in France. Companies have gone even further by claiming to become climate positive or carbon negative in the near…

Nordex Group

Carbon Footprint Berechnung im Windenergiesektor Kunde: Nordex Group Kategorie: Energie Datum: Februar 2022 Die Nordex Group mit Hauptsitz in Hamburg ist seit mehr als 35 Jahren im Onshore-Windbusiness tätig und zählt seit dem Zusammenschluss mit Acconia Windpower im Jahr 2016 zu einem der weltweit größten Herstellern von Windenergieanlagen. Als Hersteller innovativer Onshore-Windenergieanlagen trägt Nordex dazu…

Environmental Trands 2022

Environmental Trends 2022

Environmental protection and sustainability are becoming more and more a trend. For many companies real measures to meet sustainability criteria are getting priority. Supply Chain Due Diligence Act and the Taxonomy under ESG regulation is intended to help with this. EU Green Deal & Taxonomy To enable Europe to become “the first climate-neutral continent in…