Lukas has been part of the DFGE team since 2022. He completed his Master's degree in Environmental Engineering at the Technical University of Munich and his Master's thesis focused on the carbon and water footprints of a potential avocado industry in Central Europe. As part of the DFGE project management team, he assists companies in calculating greenhouse gas balances (carbon footprints). He likes to spend his free time with friends, cooking or in the mountains.

picture of a mountain view visualizing the article about carbon footprint

Carbon Footprint für Unternehmen – einfach erklärt

In vielen Branchen ist die Berechnung von „Carbon Footprint“ inzwischen Standard. Kunden legen zunehmend Wert auf die CO2-Bilanz ihrer Lieferanten und Dienstleister oder fordern sogar konkrete Einsparungen. Insbesondere mittelständische Unternehmen sehen sich heute häufig verpflichtet, Angaben zu Nachhaltigkeit, Umwelt- und Klimaschutz zu machen. Durch die Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), die seit 2024 in Kraft…

Top 3 2024

The Top 3 – Corporate Sustainability Trends of 2024

In 2024, it is inevitable for companies to prioritize sustainability in order to remain competitive, resilient, and responsible. It is a strategic imperative that affects every aspect of corporate performance, from reputation and risk management to innovation and growth. Looking at the new year, this blogpost will highlight three of the most important corporate sustainability…

Product Carbon Footprint Tool

Understanding Product Carbon Footprint – A short Dive into Standards & Verification, Tools and industry-driven Initiatives

With environmental consciousness at an all-time high, businesses and individuals alike are striving to understand and reduce their carbon footprints. One essential aspect of this endeavor is the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF). This article will introduce PCF, look into the standards that guide its calculation, explore verification processes, and shortly introduce tools to calculate carbon…

CDP Response Check

CDP Response Check 2022

Are you looking for quick feedback before submitting your CDP response? Then you might consider a CDP response check by DFGE. CDP deadline approaching Again, thousands of companies were asked to report in the CDP Climate Change Program this year. The requests came from both investors and customers. Companies are required to answer a variety…