Long before Going-Green was a buzzword

DFGE – Institute for energy, ecology and economy – was founded in 1999 as a spin-off of the Technical University Munich (TUM) and provides support regarding ecological sustainability, energy efficiency; international norms and climate protection.

DFGE offers consulting, software and auditing services to companies in order to enable them to realize a green vision and integrate it into their daily business. Our core competency concerns the question whether and how a fruitful combination of ecological and economical concerns is achievable.

Parts of our portfolio are solutions for CO2 management (greenhouse gas balances), corporate carbon footprint calculations and product carbon footprints / LCAs, as well as support during the participation in international rankings and reporting schemes like UN Global Compact, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), EcoVadis and Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).

The target of our solutions is to offer a sustainability intelligence platform to companies, made of accurate calculations, transparent reporting and integration into existing environmental systems, which not only helps to manage information about greenhouse gas emissions and other values but also to reduce them.

Increasingly, DFGE supports customers integrally during their implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Thomas Fleissner

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Fleissner

Founder & CEO of DFGE

“Linking ecology and economy is one of the most important targets of our times. Many ecological approaches lack economical practicability. And with the economically cheapest solutions, ecological aspects are often neglected. We examine if and under which conditions this link between these sometimes contrary targets can be achieved – for new products as well as for already realized use cases. DFGE focuses on facts and proposals for their interpretation. Opinions and political assessments are part of the clients’ tasks.”

All from one single source

Solution portfolio

  • Expertise regarding result sensitivity and valid average values
  • Knowledge of normative and regulatory developments
  • Cross-sectional view on ecology
  • Eco-balances and life cycle analyses
  • Project management
  • Supervision of the implementation
  • Software concepts
  • Development and management of individual analyses for realizable results
  • Support in the compilation of an individual carbon footprint analysis
  • DFGE TopDown Approach for quick and reliable results by means of a recursive and iterative procedure. In order to not only quantify emissions, but also to assess and lower them.
  • Training & workshops
  • Marketing and communication

Together with DFGE

Your advantages

  • DFGE TopDown Approach for quick and reliable results by means of a recursive and iterative procedure. In order to not only quantify emissions, but also to assess and lower them.
  • Training & workshops
  • Marketing and communication
  • DFGE TopDown Approach for quick and reliable results by means of a recursive and iterative procedure. In order to not only quantify emissions, but also to assess and lower them.
  • Training & workshops
  • Marketing and communication
  • We don’t see ourselves as consultants that make demands on you for months and want to have long lasting projects. Instead, we are coach, consultant and service provider – in order to reduce resources from your side in successfully taking part in CDP.
  • Also, we are not an advertising agency which polishes your data. Our roots are in science, and this is how we work until today.

The DFGE solution portfolio

An overview

DFGE can assist you in every step of your path to CSR management and reporting. Our services range from data collection, calculation, review to reporting – always with respect to ESG criteria. Under the heading of Sustainability Intelligence, we actively support companies on their way to sustainable management. In addition, DFGE, as a full-service provider and the first Science-Based Targets partner in the DACH region, is developing a climate strategy in a holistic approach, which ranges from the calculation of the carbon footprint to certification and possible compensation through climate protection projects. In this way, DFGE helps its customers to partially or completely offset their carbon footprint.

DFGE Solutions

Culture & Values

Are you interested in DFGE and would like to know more about who we are? Here you will find a description of our values and corporate culture as well as more detailed information about our team of experts.

References & Partnerships

There are countless initiatives worldwide, many reporting institutions, and numerous associations and standards in the area of sustainability. Together with our partners, we provide companies with the best possible support in their efforts to operate sustainably.

Are you looking for THE partner for your CSR challenges?

At DFGE you will find more than 20 years of experience in methods, their further development and implementation. We see ourselves as cross-sectional thinkers, combining and designing standards, for your holistic CSR.