Improved EcoVadis answers as basis for a CSR Roadmap

Customer: X-Label Group

Category: Packaging

Date: April 2016

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The X-Label Group delivers innovative packaging and supply chain solutions. With operations in Erfurt, Lübbecke, Blois, St. Petersburg and Solingen more than 250 employees develop labels, packaging and solutions along the supply chain within the consumer market.

Dominik Werth

Head of Quality Management X-Label

„With DFGE’s services and solution, immediate progress was shown to our customers in a time and cost-saving manner. We can now decide which concrete actions are more relevant to implement, thanks to the CSR improvement strategy.“


EcoVadis is an international company linking buyers and suppliers through a collaborative platform. Buyers ask their suppliers to be assessed by EcoVadis sustainability experts. Then, the supplier company has to fill-in a declarative questionnaire and to attach supporting documents. EcoVadis analysts rate the company’s sustainability management and reporting according to a robust methodology, and these results are published in the form of a scorecard. Buyers can then follow-up on the performance of their suppliers. This is a form of sustainable procurement, i.e. including environmental and social criteria in the supply chain.

X-Label took part in EcoVadis in Autumn 2014, and was asked by two customers to improve their performance, as these companies have sustainable procurement programs which set dedicated targets for their suppliers.

X-Label was already in touch with DFGE for the calculation of their carbon footprint and support for their CDP participation, and then had already appreciated DFGE’s Sustainability Intelligence approach—reusing sustainability documents for various standards and thus better manage CSR.

Indeed, the carbon footprint was useful to assess and thus manage CO2 emissions, and was then reused for CDP questionnaire.

Also, X-Label enjoyed DFGE’s focus on quick results and on finding available data, making the complex process simple. For these reasons, X-Label asked for DFGE’s support regarding its participation to EcoVadis


Complete support from DFGE, from questionnaire to improvement plan

First, DFGE set a prioritized data management plan with a specific list of documents, in order to identify the existing documentation that could help tackle important gaps. DFGE proceeded to the collection of the documents with the help of X-Label, and checked how they could address EcoVadis expectations. When reading the EcoVadis questionnaire for the first time, it might be difficult to know which document can help support a company’s declaration.

DFGE’s expertise in CSR documentation is a key factor of success here. Indeed, the team has been trained on EcoVadis and is experienced in managing EcoVadis improvement plan, thus in finding the appropriate documentation.

Once the documentation set was consolidated, DFGE took care of the questionnaire while focusing on priorities.

Indeed, EcoVadis has dedicated scoring rules which help suppliers understand which areas are more important for them according to their sector, size and location. Answers were provided, documents were attached, references were indicated accordingly. X-Label only had to review the final questionnaire and provided answers, which were then submitted.

8 weeks later, the results were published by EcoVadis in the scorecard. DFGE analyzed the results by taking into account its knowledge of EcoVadis rules and expectations; by taking into account X-Label’s current practices and corporate culture, DFGE suggested the most relevant areas for improvement, reviewed some documents and explained how to improve them. It was turned into a synthetized and prioritized CSR improvement strategy.


X-Label keeps improving its sustainability performance

By identifying the right available documentation to prove X-Label practices, the score was already improved. The overall score increased by 54%. Some sub-scores have also risen: the environment score has doubled and the labor practices score is now 66% higher. The submission of new documents leads EcoVadis experts to identify strengths in the company’s management system. A total of 26 new strengths appeared.

There also remain gaps where X-Label can continue to improve and to implement new practices.

Thanks to DFGE’s prioritized CSR improvement strategy, X-Label now has a decision-making tool to decide which concrete tasks they want to implement in this sense.


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