Wolfgangsee bei Sonnenaufgang

CDP Scores 2023

Yesterday, on February 6th the 2023 CDP scores were published, providing crucial insights into companies‘ environmental performance. The Significance of CDP Scores The CDP scores serve as a comprehensive assessment of companies‘ environmental performance, covering areas such as carbon emissions, climate change resilience,  water and deforestation management. By evaluating companies‘ efforts in managing climate change,…

CDP Water Security

CDP Water Security Questionnaire 2023 and UN Water 2023 Conference

CDP is introducing the topic of plastic pollution to the 2023 Water Security questionnaire CDP currently has three different questionnaires: CDP Climate Change, CDP Water Security and CDP Forests. All three of them have seen a significant increase in the number of disclosing companies each year. CDP continuously improves the questions and adapts the questionnaire…

CDP Europe Awards 2023

CDP Europe Awards 2023

Die jährlichen CDP Europe Awards – Flaggschiff des CDP Europe und eines der am meisten erwarteten Umweltereignisse des Jahres – fanden dieses Jahr bereits am 16. Februar und erstmalig seit der COVID-19-Pandemie vor Ort in Paris bei der Fondation Louis Vuitton statt. Hierbei feierte das CDP die Umweltführer Europas: Städte und Unternehmen, die sich einen…

CDP 2022 Ergebnisse

What we learn from CDP 2022 scores

CDP questionnaires and publication of results CDP (formerly “Carbon Disclosure Project”) is an independent organization that conducts annual assessments of companies’ environmental impact worldwide. For this purpose, CDP collects and evaluates data from participating companies. The information is obtained from three detailed sector-specific questionnaires (Climate Change, Water and Forest) that companies are requested to complete.…

CDP Results 2021

CDP Climate Change, Water and Forest 2021 results published

The newest CDP assessment results for 2021, published on December 7, provide a clear insight into the development of corporate transparency and the willingness by companies across the globe to undertake environmental action. This year a record-breaking 13,000+ companies reported their environmental data through CDP, submitting at least one of the available questionnaires (Climate Change,…

CDP Water

CDP increasingly focuses on water-related topics

Every life on our planet is dependent on the well-functioning of the marine ecosystem. But water resources and marine ecosystems are endangered. Since businesses emit a large amount of greenhouse gases, they are largely responsible for this heating. To make companies accountable and address the urgent need to protect the water and marine resources, CDP included new water-related questions into its questionnaires.

CDP Results 2020

CDP Climate Change, Water und Forest 2020 Ergebnisse veröffentlicht

Am 08.12.2020 wurden für die Berichtsperiode 2020 die Ergebnisse der CDP Assessments veröffentlicht. Insgesamt stieg die Zahl der Unternehmen, die einen oder mehrere Fragebögen zu den Themengebieten (Climate Change, Water und Forest) beantwortet haben von 8.367 (2019) auf 9.617 (2020) Unternehmen an (plus 15%). Das entspricht mehr als 50 % der weltweiten Marktkapitalisierung. Angesichts der…

picture of trees in snow illustrating the article about the CDP questionnaire 2018

CDP questionnaire 2018

CDP questionnaire 2018 published CDP has published the 2018 questionnaire for their programs CDP Climate Change, CDP Water and CDP Forests. The online versions can be accessed here, PDF and Word versions can also be created and exported via that page. The questionnaire experienced far-reaching changes compared to previous years. Prior to the reorientation according to the…

picture showing a coloured bush illustrating the article about CDP europe awards 2017

Bericht von den CDP Europe Awards 2017 in Brüssel

Unter dem Motto „Celebrating Natural Capital Business Leadership“ fanden am 20. November 2017 in Brüssel die CDP Europe Awards 2017 statt. Bei dieser Veranstaltung wurden die europaweit führenden Unternehmen im CDP-Rating ausgezeichnet. Begleitet wurde die Preisverleihung der CDP Europe Awards 2017 von Keynotes und Panels mit hochrangigen Vertretern aus Wirtschaft und Politik. Im Zentrum der Diskussionen…