CDP Europe Awards 2023

Celebrating Sustainability Champions: CDP Europe Awards 2023 and A-List Companies

In an era where climate change and environmental sustainability are at the forefront of global discussions, it is important to acknowledge the efforts of companies committed to reducing their carbon footprint and embracing sustainable practices. The CDP Europe Awards 2023 serve as a platform to recognize the efforts of companies and cities to address environmental…

S&P Global CSA

Striving for Sustainability: A Guide to the S&P Global CSA 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving corporate world, sustainability isn’t just an option—it’s a necessity. As companies gear up for the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) for 2024, understanding the latest updates and processes is paramount. Here’s your comprehensive guide to navigating the S&P Global CSA 2024: Participation and Companies Involved: The S&P Global CSA 2024…

Wolfgangsee bei Sonnenaufgang

CDP Scores 2023

Yesterday, on February 6th the 2023 CDP scores were published, providing crucial insights into companies’ environmental performance. The Significance of CDP Scores The CDP scores serve as a comprehensive assessment of companies’ environmental performance, covering areas such as carbon emissions, climate change resilience,  water and deforestation management. By evaluating companies’ efforts in managing climate change,…

Climate Transition Plan

CTP – Climate Transition Plan

What is a Climate Transition Plan? A Climate Transition Plan is the organization’s roadmap in navigating and leading the shift towards a more sustainable, low-carbon future. This plan encompasses a comprehensive action plan, outlining the transformation of a company’s assets, operations, and business models, with an ultimate goal of achieving net-zero emissions by the year…

Nachhaltigkeit bei KMUs

Die steigende Flut der Nachhaltigkeit: Warum es sich kleine Unternehmen nicht länger leisten können, sie zu ignorieren

In der heutigen Unternehmenslandschaft ist Nachhaltigkeit mehr als nur ein Schlagwort. Sie hat sich zu einem entscheidenden Erfolgsfaktor entwickelt, der jede Branche und jede Unternehmensgröße berührt. Während große Unternehmen oft die Diskussionen über Nachhaltigkeit dominieren, geraten auch kleine Firmen zunehmend in den Blickpunkt. Die wachsende Nachfrage nach Nachhaltigkeitspraktiken zwingt kleine Unternehmen dazu, ihre Strategien neu…

CDP Response Check

CDP Response Check 2023 by DFGE

Looking for a Quick CDP Response Check? Choose DFGE! Approaching CDP Deadline Once again, numerous companies have been requested to participate in this year’s CDP Climate Change Program. These requests have been made by both investors and customers. Participants are obligated to address various aspects including CO2 emissions, climate risks and opportunities, reduction targets and…

CDP Global Supply Chain Report 2022

CDP Global Supply Chain Report 2022

Scoping Out: Tracking Nature Across the Supply Chain CDP recently released its latest Global Supply Chain Report for the year 2022 in March 2023. The report offers valuable insights into the impact of the supply chain, based on the data and information collected through CDP questionnaires. CDP’s Supply Chain program works with over 280 sustainability…