SBTi Changes

Corporate climate action gets a boost with upgrade to target validation and standard setting

Die Science Based Targets-Initiative kündigt bei ihrer Gründung im Vereinigten Königreich einen großen Wandel an Die letzten drei Monate waren die heißesten, die jemals aufgezeichnet wurden. In Kombination mit der steigenden Nachfrage unterstreicht dies die dringende Notwendigkeit für robuste Klimaschutzmaßnahmen. In Reaktion darauf und um der enorm steigenden Nachfrage gerecht zu werden, hat die Science…

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CDP Climate Change – revised questionnaire for 2016 and new scoring methodology

The CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) has updated its methodology for the year 2016 regarding the CDP Climate Change questionnaire. What is CDP? Through CDP, around 6,000 organizations disclose their greenhouse gases emissions and other environmental KPIs, on the request of the shareholders or their clients. Through measurement, organizations are expected to better manage climate change…

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Freely chosen employment: a focus of EICC Code of Conduct latest version

Background story: The majority of our blog posts deals with CSR topics; we write about the latest developments in this field and try to relate it to a company’s daily business. Our background stories have a different perspective: Here, we explain trends, scientific background and societal implications of corporate sustainability – sometimes with a personal…