Sustainable Leaders Konferenz FFM

Top 5 Themen des Corporate Climate-Neutral Strategies Event

Nach gut einem Jahr COVID-bedingter Pause, war es wieder einmal so weit: Endlich eine reale Veranstaltung, um Kunden und Partner zu treffen, sich mit diesen auszutauschen und über spannende Inhalte zu diskutieren. Worldclassbusiness Leaders hatte Ende September nach Frankfurt am Main zum „World Class Corporate Climate-Neutral Strategies & Energy Management 2021“ eingeladen, um an zwei…

ISO / TC 323

ISO Norm for Circular Economy

In light of increased environmental destruction, resource scarcity and increased waste production the concept of circular economy (CE) has gained increasing attention. It is the main goal of CE to re-form the dominant linear value chains into a circular economic system. By applying sustainable product design, closing resource loops, implementing service solutions or circularity along…

Circular Economy

Circular Economy and Climate Neutrality: Stricter EU rules on consumption and recycling

During a plenary debate in February 2021, the EU Parliament representatives agreed that achieving the goals of the European “Green Deal” will only be possible if the EU moves to a circular economy model and that this change will create new jobs and business opportunities. Furthermore, they stated that mandatory 2030 targets for material consumption…

Circular Economy

Circular Economy, Closed Loops and Product Design

In short, Circular Economy (CE) is about creating closed loop material flows keeping products, components and materials at their highest utility and value and use them through multiple lifecycles. It is also about waste prevention, resource efficiency, leakage minimisation and dematerialisation: Raw materials are added for manufacturing and re-manufacturing of products or components already in…

8. Bayrischer CSR Tag

8. Bayrischer CSR TAG

8. Bayrischer CSR Tag – Risikomanagement für Lieferketten, Klimaneutralität bis Social Entrepreneurship Ein spannendes Programm versprach der 8. Bayrische CSR-Tag am 22. September 2020, aus gegebenem Anlass virtuell durchgeführt. Vom Risikomanagement für Lieferketten, Klimaneutralität bis Social Entrepreneurship wurde der Bogen gespannt. Unser Teilnehmer, Armin Hipper, entschied sich für die Workshop Session „von der Circular Economy…