SBT points in CDP

Score SBT points in the CDP questionnaire: May deadline

Science Based Targets (SBTs) are reduction targets calculated on a scientific basis to ensure global warming from the pre-industrial era is limited to well below 2°C, ideally 1.5°C. Developing SBTs and committing to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) will allow companies to gain competitive advantages by reducing costs related to CO2 emissions and help score SBT points…

Global Risk Report 2021

Global Risk Report 2021

To achieve its targets and align with the company´s vision and mission it is inevitable for an organization to take potential risks and opportunities into consideration. Since companies´ risks are embedded and in context with worldwide risks, topics which are regarded as worldwide pressing issues are at the same time company risks. Recently, the new Global Risks Report 2021 was published and provides an overview and estimation about the most pressing risks (WEF, 2021). To address current risks and recognize opportunities coming from them, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) serves as a tool which supports companies to identify, assess and respond to climate-related risks and opportunities (CDP, 2021).

CDP Offerings DFGE

CDP Water und Forest – nicht mehr nur Climate steht im Fokus

CDP Water und Forest: neue Rating Saison beginnt! Kürzlich wurden die Ergebnisse der vergangenen CDP-Berichtsperiode veröffentlicht. In unserem Blogartikel vom Januar erhalten Sie nochmal einen Überblick über die Ergebnisse, des diesjährigen CDP-Ratings. Doch nach der CDP Saison ist vor der CDP Saison! Die aktuelle Berichtsperiode beginnt im April, mit der Öffnung des ORS (Online Response System). Bis…

SBT for Nature

SBTs for Nature – Guidance Extension with the Global Goal for Nature – “Nature Positive”

The ecosystem has benefited humanity for millennia by protecting from floods, regulating diseases and pests, absorbing and transforming carbon-dioxide, maintaining habitats and, above all, providing food and water. But the IPBES, the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services warns, that the failure to protect ecosystems would lead to catastrophic consequences for people and nature.…


Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition – commitment to low-carbon investment activities

Investors play a critical role in tackling the challenges humanity is facing at the moment. Due to the portfolios and assets they manage, investors have a huge impact on financial markets and economic activities. Their investments decide about how money is used. Responsible investments can mobilize financial markets to drive economy into a more sustainable…

photo of iceberg as visual for the blog post about cop25

COP25: Keine wesentlichen Fortschritte beim globalen Klimaschutz

Am 15. Dezember endete die diesjährige UN-Klimakonferenz, der COP25, ohne größere Fortschritte hinsichtlich der Finalisierung des Klimaabkommens von Paris verbuchen zu können. Wesentliche Entscheidungen wurden auf das kommende Jahr bzw. die nächste Konferenz vertagt. Hintergründe zur COP25 Die UN-Klimakonferenz bzw. (Welt-)Klimagipfel (engl.: United Nations Climate Change Conference) ist die jährlich stattfindende Vertragsstaatenkonferenz (Conference of the…