lake view of a sunset in winter illustrating the article about the TCFD standard

Relevance of the TCFD Standard regarding climate-related risks and opportunities for companies

The TCFD framework (Task Force on Climate-related Finance Disclosures) is becoming increasingly popular. Chairman Mike Bloomberg and Mark Carney (chief of the Financial Stability Board) announced the growing importance of such framework and the increasing support from the economy at the ‘One Planet Summit’ (additional World Climate Summit on the 2nd anniversary of the Paris Climate…

picture of mountains illustrating the article about CDP response check

Go for a CDP Response Check

Want to have short feedback before submitting your CDP answer? Opt for a CDP Response Check by DFGE! What is CDP? The CDP is „a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts“. The CDP collects data related to Climate Change, Water, and…

focus on small tree and read flowers on the floor

CDP Supplier Engagement Rating: Klimaschutz in der Lieferkette

Mit dem CDP Supplier Engagement Rating verstärkt das CDP (vormals Carbon Disclosure Project) seinen Fokus auf Klimaschutz in der Lieferkette. 2016 werden Unternehmen erstmals separat danach bewertet, wie aktiv sie ihre Zulieferer im Bereich Klimaschutz einbinden (siehe Pressemitteilung des CDP). Das CDP Supplier Engagement Rating bewertet Unternehmen auf Basis der Antworten zum CDP Climate Change-Fragebogen. Das…