
NetZero vs Climate Neutral vs Climate Positive – a clarification of different terms and definitions

During the last couple of years, the number of climate neutral claims for individual products or by entire organizations has risen drastically. Numerous of such claims faced legal complications and government regulations, as seen for instance in France. Companies have gone even further by claiming to become climate positive or carbon negative in the near…

CDP Net Zero

Net-Zero Guidelines and CDP

Slowly moving away from the COVID-19 lethargy and processing the latest IPCC report, the climate crisis has been omnipresent during the past couple of months. To limit global warming to 1.5°C, many countries have committed to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reaching Net-Zero. This however requires a comprehensive transformation across politics and all economic…


Achieving carbon neutrality with ISO 14068

The international standard ISO 14068 for “Greenhouse gas management and related activities – Carbon Neutrality” is to provide clear definitions for CO2 neutrality. The climate crisis is prompting politicians, administrators and businesses to respond to this global challenge with increasuing demands for carbon neutrality. Public and private organizations of all kinds are spurring efforts to…

GHG Protocol – Standard on Quantifying and Reporting the Avoided Emissions of Products

The WRI/GHG protocol is currently scoping to deliver a standard methodology to quantify and report avoided emissions of products. So a company can calculate avoided emissions for goods and services. Several companies already report avoided emissions on a corporate and company level. Several guidances for industries are available. The DFGE follows the principle of physical…