Carbon Removal Guidance

GHG Protocol Carbon Removals Guidance – Draft for Pilot Testing and Review

Why do we need carbon removals? According to current science, such as the IEA (International Energy Agency) and the latest report by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), carbon removals are critical to addressing climate change. Reductions in emissions are essential, but not sufficient to stay below the 1.5 degree. Therefore, it becomes clear…

EcoVadis Medaillenvergabe

EcoVadis Update: Änderungen an der Medaillenvergabe ab Januar 2023

Ein turbulentes Jahr neigt sich für EcoVadis dem Ende entgegen: vergangenes Jahr wurde die separate Carbon Scorecard zur Darstellung des Carbon Managements eines Unternehmens eingeführt. Mitte diesen Jahres konnte sich EcoVadis ein Investment von 500 Millionen US-Dollar ergattern und wurde so zum Unicorn im Bereich der Nachhaltigkeitsratings für Unternehmen. Zudem wurden nach und nach die…

EcoVadis Business Sustainability Risk and Performance Index

EcoVadis Business Sustainability Risk and Performance Index 2022

The EcoVadis Supply Chain Assessment EcoVadis is a supply chain assessment which helps companies to understand and quantify sustainability risks within their supply chain. Unlike individual questionnaires or very specific ones like CDP, EcoVadis offers a standardized approach which is able to compare the performance of companies with entirely different profiles on a rating scale…

TCFD Recommendations

How CDP aligns with the TCFD recommendations on climate-related financial disclosures

What are the TCFD recommendations? For years, there has been an increased demand from the capital market for reliable and comparable information from companies on the impact of climate change. For this reason, the G20 Finance Ministers established the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) in 2015. Since 2017, it has published recommendations to…