Doppelte Wesentlichkeit erklärt

Autorinnen: Dr. Susanne Pankov (DFGE), Maureen Habermann (DFGE), Eva Kleemann (DFGE), Elisabeth Voigt (DFGE), Johanna Anna Hansjürgens (adelphi), Alina Ulmer (adelphi) Veröffentlichung: März 2023 Hintergrund Im Januar 2023 trat die EU-Richtlinie zur Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), in Kraft. Ab 2024 sind Unternehmen in der EU dazu verpflichtet, in ihren Lageberichten detailliert zu nichtfinanziellen…

CDP Water Security

CDP Water Security Questionnaire 2023 and UN Water 2023 Conference

CDP is introducing the topic of plastic pollution to the 2023 Water Security questionnaire CDP currently has three different questionnaires: CDP Climate Change, CDP Water Security and CDP Forests. All three of them have seen a significant increase in the number of disclosing companies each year. CDP continuously improves the questions and adapts the questionnaire…

CDP Europe Awards 2023

CDP Europe Awards 2023

Die jährlichen CDP Europe Awards – Flaggschiff des CDP Europe und eines der am meisten erwarteten Umweltereignisse des Jahres – fanden dieses Jahr bereits am 16. Februar und erstmalig seit der COVID-19-Pandemie vor Ort in Paris bei der Fondation Louis Vuitton statt. Hierbei feierte das CDP die Umweltführer Europas: Städte und Unternehmen, die sich einen…

Sustainability Trends 2023

Key Sustainability Trends 2023

Sustainability and climate change continue to be at the forefront of global interest and have become key issues for businesses, governments and consumers. In 2023, we will see some key sustainability and climate trends. In summary, sustainability and climate change will remain important and trends will continue to evolve. Businesses, governments and consumers must continue…


About Broadening Disclosure Frameworks from Climate-related to Nature-related Risks and Opportunities

The Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) framework draft is based on the established recommendations by the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). It is an international collaboration that consists of 40 individual members representing financial institutions, businesses and market service providers with over US$20trn in assets. TNFD aims to develop a market-led and science-based…