Lansinoh on the route to carbon neutrality

Customer: Lansinoh

Category: Health Care

Date: March 2021

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Lansinoh Laboratories Inc. is one of the world’s leading companies for breastfeeding products, not least because of its first-class research and innovative developments. Together with the DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy, the company wants to become carbon neutral in the long term. The following case study explains the challenges that must be faced and overcome, on the way to carbon neutrality – both for individual products in the portfolio and, ultimately, the entire company.

Heike Hinrichs

Head of Global Corporate Planning Lansinoh Laboratories Inc.

“Our future, the future of our families, and the future of the planet depend on the actions we take today. With DFGE we have found the right partner who supports us in our goals with decades of experience in the field of life cycle assessment, sustainability reporting and CSR.”


Credible sustainability communication requires data and facts

Lansinoh support mothers and babies around the world. Since 2019 company-wide sustainability has been a focus defined by Lansinoh’s management. When looking for support in the scientifically based implementation of the global sustainability strategy, Lansinoh chose DFGE as a partner.

The complex challenges of the collaboration include:

  • the calculation of a corporate carbon footprint (CCF)
  • the identification of the most important levers and the storage of these with appropriate measures to create a KPI Dashboard
  • Setting a clear goal to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG), the so-called Science-Based Targets (SBT)
  • the development and implementation of a Climate Action Plan  to reduce the carbon footprint
  • Achieving carbon neutrality for selected products based on the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) by reducing emissions and compensating unavoidable ones.


On the way to carbon neutrality: Corporate Carbon Footprint, Product Carbon Footprint, Science Based Targets and Climate Action Plan

As a first step the company-wide carbon footprint for Lansinoh was calculated, which is the important basis and first step in the company sustainability management. It was necessary to define the basic processes and set up a structure for a data management plan. By using DFGE’s scientific TopDown approach, Lansinoh’s required effort and input could be kept to a minimum.

Based on the results of the carbon footprint, DFGE analysed the possible fields of action for emission reduction, to be discussed with the most important stakeholders in the company. Suppliers along the entire supply chain play a key role in Lansinoh’s overall emissions (Scope 3). This was followed by concrete measures to reduce the carbon footprint and a KPI dashboard for carbon footprint reduction was created. A KPI dashboard allows for better control, monitoring and overview of the data and tracking progress over time

In a next step, the Science-Based Targets (SBT) documents were viewed and prepared. These documents are the basis for the decision on an ambitious target for emission reduction, in line with the target to limit global warming to 1.5° C. The documents were submitted in August 2020 and by October the target was already approved by the SBTi. In this context, Lansinoh also joined the United Nations initiative “Business Ambition for 1.5° C”.

Corporate sustainability is a constant process. To ensure that the reduction goals set are reached, further reduction measures must be taken. To better understand the impact of the Lansinoh product portfolio on emissions and find adequate reduction potentials, Product Carbon Footprint for selected products are now conducted.


Carbon neutrality as a long-term goal

With the calculation of the Corporate Carbon Footprint, Lansinoh receives reliable figures for effective emission management. Furthermore, the results can be used in the company’s sustainability communications. As mentioned, the carbon footprint figures were also used for setting the science-based target.

In the long term, Lansinoh wants to become a carbon neutral company. A first step towards that goal is to achieve carbon neutrality with selected products from the Lansinoh product portfolio.

For this purpose, an action plan / climate action plan for the products is being developed with DFGE on the basis of the previous analysis: wherever possible, emissions are reduced to a minimum and only unavoidable emissions are compensated for by offsetting emissions in climate protection projects (CO2e certificates).

In 2021, the DFGE will also support Laninosh to set up a sustainability report based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) as well as achieving carbon neutrality with more products.


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