GRI 101: Biodiversity

The new GRI Standard on Biodiversity

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a widely used framework for sustainability reporting that provides guidelines for organizations to disclose their economic, environmental, and social performance. Within the GRI framework, there have been revisions and updates to specific standards over time to reflect changes in stakeholder expectations, emerging sustainability issues, and advances in reporting practices.…

TNFD & Biodiversity

Biodiversity – Final countdown to TNFD

Upcoming release of final recommendations In the midst of the upheaval around the new EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), another organisation is preparing the release of its final recommendations on the disclosure of specific risks and opportunities. The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) will publish its global framework for risk management and reporting…

Sustainability Trends 2023

Key Sustainability Trends 2023

Sustainability and climate change continue to be at the forefront of global interest and have become key issues for businesses, governments and consumers. In 2023, we will see some key sustainability and climate trends. In summary, sustainability and climate change will remain important and trends will continue to evolve. Businesses, governments and consumers must continue…

Global Risks Report 2022

Global Risks Report 2022

After three years of Covid, people around the world are undoubtedly tired of sliding from one crisis to the next. Especially compared to the ongoing pandemic and the Ukrainian war, other global crises seem to lose importance. Experts emphasize the danger of ignoring surfacing warning signs.  Besides the ongoing pandemic, supply chain disruptions, inflation, debt,…

Environmental Trands 2022

Environmental Trends 2022

Environmental protection and sustainability are becoming more and more a trend. For many companies real measures to meet sustainability criteria are getting priority. Supply Chain Due Diligence Act and the Taxonomy under ESG regulation is intended to help with this. EU Green Deal & Taxonomy To enable Europe to become “the first climate-neutral continent in…

SBT for Nature

SBTs for Nature – Guidance Extension with the Global Goal for Nature – “Nature Positive”

The ecosystem has benefited humanity for millennia by protecting from floods, regulating diseases and pests, absorbing and transforming carbon-dioxide, maintaining habitats and, above all, providing food and water. But the IPBES, the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services warns, that the failure to protect ecosystems would lead to catastrophic consequences for people and nature.…