European Green Deal: Ein neues Zeitalter der Nachhaltigkeit für Europa

Der European Green Deal bietet einen einzigartigen Rahmen für eine nachhaltigere und klimafreundlichere Zukunft. Dies ist eine aufregende Gelegenheit für Europa, eine führende Rolle in der Bekämpfung der globalen Klimakrise einzunehmen. Der European Green Deal Im Rahmen des European Green Deals möchte Europa bis zum Jahr 2050 der erste klimaneutrale Kontinent werden. Künftigen Generationen soll…

Environmental Trands 2022

Environmental Trends 2022

Environmental protection and sustainability are becoming more and more a trend. For many companies real measures to meet sustainability criteria are getting priority. Supply Chain Due Diligence Act and the Taxonomy under ESG regulation is intended to help with this. EU Green Deal & Taxonomy To enable Europe to become “the first climate-neutral continent in…

image of a lake in front of a forest visualizing the blog article about the green deal for europe

Green Deal for Europe

In July 2019, Ursula von der Leyen, has been elected the new president of the EU commission. Before the vote has been executed, she announced a Green Deal for Europe and the European Union in her campaign speech to the members of the European parliament. She promised to give climate protection highest priority and to…