CDP Support 2024

CDP Support 2024 by DFGE

Looking for a Quick CDP Support? Choose DFGE! As the CDP deadline approaches, many companies are once again being asked by investors and customers to participate in this year’s CDP Climate Change Program. Responses need to be entered into CDP’s updated platform by September 18, 2024. CDP faces respondents with significant changes this year. They integrated the…

snowy forest as an illustration for the cdp climate change 2019 results blog post

CDP Climate Change, Water und Forest 2019 Ergebnisse liegen vor

Am 20.01.2020 wurden die CDP Climate Change 2019 Ergebnisse des Assessments veröffentlicht. Insgesamt stieg die Zahl der Unternehmen, die sich von CDP haben bewerten lassen, von 6.251 (2018) auf 8.367 (2019) Unternehmen an. Das entspricht nun erstmalig mehr als 50 % der weltweiten Marktkapitalisierung. Zudem haben 2019 115 dieser Unternehmen mittels CDP Assessment ihre Lieferkette…

picutre of a field and some trees visualizing the article about the DJSI assessment

DJSI assessment 2018 now open: make the most of it

From the 5th of April 2018, all invited companies can start completing the DJSI assessment 2018. Companies that take part in such questionnaire will then be eligible for the inclusion in one of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices. Corporate Sustainability Assessment from RobecoSAM: gateway to the DJSI The CSA (Corporate Sustainability Assessment) from RobecoSAM, also called DJSI assessment,…

picture of a cut tree visualizing the article about CDP scoring methodology 2018

CDP scoring methodology 2018 and CDP guidance for the new CDP questionnaires have been released

CDP, a leader in environment reporting, has just released the CDP Scoring Methodology 2018 and CDP Guidance! You can now use it to prepare your answer to the questionnaire. Scoring methodology and guidance support companies regarding their CDP’s response Mid of last week, CDP has released the CDP scoring methodology 2018 and the CDP guidance…

picture of trees in snow illustrating the article about the CDP questionnaire 2018

CDP questionnaire 2018

CDP questionnaire 2018 published CDP has published the 2018 questionnaire for their programs CDP Climate Change, CDP Water and CDP Forests. The online versions can be accessed here, PDF and Word versions can also be created and exported via that page. The questionnaire experienced far-reaching changes compared to previous years. Prior to the reorientation according to the…