CDP Global Supply Chain Report 2020

CDP Global Supply Chain Report 2020: Transparency to Transformation

In February 2021 CDP has released its newest Global Supply Chain Report for the year 2020. The report is based on data and information submitted in the CDP Supply Chain program and provides meaningful insights regarding the supply chain impacts of environmental actions, such as climate-related emission reduction, water security and deforestation targets. The report…

Drive Sustainability

Drive sustainability: what to expect for the automotive supply chain

Drive sustainability is an automotive partnership which aims to drive sustainability throughout the automotive supply chain by promoting a common approach within the industry and by integrating sustainability in the overall procurement process. If you are an automotive supplier, it is highly likely that you will have to answer to request from them. Drive sustainability: 11 automotive manufacturers with a…

EcoVadis Index 2020

EcoVadis Index 2020

EcoVadis Index 2020 – Gain insights from Global Supply Chain ratings of more than 40,000 companies worldwide The supplier rating platform EcoVadis has published this year´s Sustainability Risk and Performance Index – The EcoVadis Index 2020. It illustrates EcoVadis ratings of over 40,000 companies worldwide which have been rated by the platform between 2015 and…

Supply Chain Sustainability

Klimaschutz in der Lieferkette

Das Thema Klimaschutz war das Nummer 1 Thema der vergangenen Europawahl. Und auch seitens der Kunden, Lieferanten und Investoren wächst der Druck auf Unternehmen, sich zu positionieren und nachhaltig auszurichten. Zum „Klimaschutz in der Lieferkette“ Workshop trafen sich zum Ende des vergangenen Jahres Vertreter aus Unternehmen und Umwelt- und Naturschutzorganisationen. Zentrale Themen waren dabei die…

picture showing a river and a forest illustrating the blog entry about the PSCI principles

Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI)

Due to increasing requirements in the pharmaceutical industry, DFGE introduces the PSCI and especially its established pharmaceutical industry principles for responsible supply chain management in the following. What is the PSCI? The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI) is an initiative formed as a non-profit business membership in 2006, which is addressing challenges, such as supply…