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EcoVadis and DFGE partnership: boosting sustainable procurement in the German-speaking region

DFGE becomes the first Consulting Partner in the German-speaking region of EcoVadis, the leader in supply chain sustainability ratings. This partnership will help companies to better answer their clients’ requests for an EcoVadis assessment, as well as to improve CSR performance. EcoVadis, a collaborative sustainability rating platform EcoVadis operates the first collaborative platform providing Supplier…

picture of calculating stuff illustrating the blog article about the top 10 sustainability documents

Top 10 Sustainability documents

Lost in all the requests for information linked to sustainability management and reporting? DFGE has chosen the top 10 documents you can easily share with your stakeholders. Nowadays, transparency is expected from companies and CSR/sustainability reporting has been increasing by 5 points from 2011 to 2014[1]. There are many channels where information can be reported:…

Understand GRI in 2 minutes

What is the purpose of GRI? GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) is an internationally recognized standard for CSR reporting to help organizations set goals, measure performance, and manage change in order to make their operations more sustainable. The guidelines are now in their 4th version (G4). G4 process in a few words: – Identify your company’s…

CSR – 5 Trends der nächsten Jahre

Wir (das Team der DFGE – Institut für Energie, Ökologie und Ökonomie) hatten das letzte Jahr Revue passieren lassen und unsere Erfahrungen und Eindrücke der Entwicklungen rund um Nachhaltigkeit/CSR zu Prognosen zusammen gefasst. Daraus entstand eine Pressemeldung mit dem Titel „Trends in der Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation“, die wir an Redaktionen verschickt haben. Die Online Redaktion von…

the guardian on 5 trends that show corporate responsibility is here to stay

Sustainability is not a trend but a global movement. Georg Kell recently published the „five trends that show corporate responsibility is here to stay“ in the guardian. Irregardless if you call it CSR, social and corporate governance (ESG) or sustainability. Several big trends indicate that this topic will stay and evolve: Transparency Trust Community Participation…

Die Top Drei Zwänge – oder warum Unternehmen ihren Carbon Footprint berechnen müssen

Die Ermittlung von Product oder Corporate Carbon Footprints erfolgt vielfach nicht aus Ökologie-Bewusstsein, vielmehr werden Unternehmen dazu gezwungen. Die DFGE nennt die drei Hauptgründe. Greifenberg/München, 15. Oktober 2013 – Laut der Studie „Umweltbewusstsein in Deutschland 2012“ des BMU (Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit), steht aus Sicht der Bevölkerung der Umweltschutz auf Platz 2 der…